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Darkest Dungeon II 旁白核心剧情翻译


msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_01_0"
msgid "I remember our first meeting on the steps of the University,"
msgstr "我还记得我们在大学的阶梯上的初次相会"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_01_1"
msgid "a collegial handshake that would doom us both."
msgstr "那次终为我们二人带来灾祸的握手"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_02_0"
msgid "Your insightful questions during my lectures gave me pause,"
msgstr "你在我演讲时的深刻的提问令我一时沉思"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_02_1"
msgid "and I recognized in you something... of a kindred spirit."
msgstr "而那时我意识到你与我……志同道合"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_03_0"
msgid "Despite our differences in age and position, "
msgstr "尽管我们的年龄与学位相去甚远"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_03_1"
msgid "we shared a keen fascination for archaeology, folklore, and of course, occultism."
msgstr "我们依旧入迷地分享着我们对于考古,民俗,当然还有神秘学的研究与知识"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_04_0"
msgid "Interminable faculty socials became something of a delight,"
msgstr "无聊的学院例会开始变得多彩而充实"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_04_1"
msgid "knowing we'd abscond to a quiet table and "
msgstr "我们时常溜到一个安静的桌子前"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_04_2"
msgid "lose ourselves in riveting discussion and passionate debate."
msgstr "忘我地投入在引人入胜的讨论和热情的演讲中"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_05_0"
msgid ""
"Commonalities between the mythos of ancient cultures was not a new area of study for either of us,"
msgstr "刨析古代文化与神话间的共性对我们来说并不陌生"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_05_1"
msgid "but it was there that we first noticed the pattern."
msgstr "而我们正是在这之中,首次注意到了那个图案……"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_06_0"
msgid "We spent long nights immersed in crumbling, worm-eaten volumes,"
msgstr "我们花了整晚整夜,在饱受虫蛀的脆弱诗篇中傲游"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_06_1"
msgid "plumbing the forbidden secrets of antiquity."
msgstr "在文物中汲取着禁忌的知识"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_07_0"
msgid "Between semesters, we would spend our days rambling the woods,"
msgstr "在学术休假时,我们在深林中散步"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_07_1"
msgid "talking excitedly of esoteric theory and ancient mysteries."
msgstr "兴奋地探讨着深奥的理论和远古的谜团"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_08_0"
msgid "The University's resources were impressive... and yet, on occasion,"
msgstr "大学的学术资源也实在令人印象深刻,拜一次契机所赐"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_08_1"
msgid "we relished in... firsthand experience."
msgstr "我们获得了第一手的知识"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_09_0"
msgid "You were my brightest student, my research partner, and my dearest friend."
msgstr "你不愧是我最聪慧的学子,我的研究搭档,我最要好的朋友"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_10_0"
msgid ""
"It was you who found the cypher, scribbled hastily in the decaying margins of some long-forgotten "
"tome. "
msgstr "你发现了一段密文,潦草地涂在那被遗忘典籍的空白处"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_10_1"
msgid "Scribbled... in blood."
msgstr "其以……血涂抹"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_11_0"
msgid "Whether by providence or happenstance, "
msgstr "无论那是巧合还是注定"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_11_1"
msgid ""
"we stumbled upon the mark of some strange power invoked the world over, reflected in cultures "
"predating mankind itself."
msgstr "我们偶然找到了一个有着世界本质之力的古怪符号,它在各个文化中有所反映,更远早于人类诞生之时"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_11_2"
msgid "The Iron Crown - enigmatic and ubiquitous."
msgstr "那个符号就是“铁王冠”——神秘而又无所不在"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_12_0"
msgid "A semicircle radiating five points of power,"
msgstr "它形如半圆,上有五根尖刺向外迸发"
msgctxt "vo_driving_game_loop_valley_lore_12_1"
msgid "a symbol hidden deep in the iconography of every ancient empire..."
msgstr "它深深地埋藏在每一个古老国度的图形之中……"

IP属地:重庆1楼2021-11-13 00:01回复