关注: 33,897 贴子: 4,012


  • 目录:
  • 其他游戏及话题
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    Q:出现的问题是有周期性的吗?(漏洞会循环出现吗?) A:是的,随时,解决了第一个问题会出现另外的问题并且解决第二个问题之后第一个问题又再次出现了。你需要返回并解决它。质量评估很有帮助。这种事发生在2.4的一些实例中。 Q:有这样一个故事:一架宇宙飞船是我行动被窃听,没有人发现,直到最后有人说关于CryEngine模拟一切事物好像在水底的状况。有类似可怕的漏洞出现,实际上如果你知道引擎的特异性就能容易解决? A:大约两年前,Jo
    fbfenzi 5-26
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    [1:00] Q: Will CIG release the style guides? •A:We do like to share and while I can’t say we will definitively release them I think it is something we should look into if we aren’t going to do it already. Q1: 将来会开放CIG的风格指南吗? A1: 我们现在不会公布出来但我不能说我们未来绝对不会公布这些,我想如果未来我们已经做完它的时候也许会考虑放出来。 [1:57] Q: There was mention in the past about working with Warhorse on clothing, is this still the plan? •A:Star Citizen uses a similar system that Warhorse uses but has been buil
    幻国 12-26
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    [1:13]Q: Will all NPC’s look unique or can we expect to see a few clones? A:We have a pool of scanned heads but however many we start with it’s going to grow over time. There will be some reuse but there will be enough variety of clothing, hairstyles, eye colour, voices, etc. to avoid the feeling that two characters are clones. We are looking into technology/techniques for customising faces. Procedural generation may happen but right now we’re doing it by hand. Also from a lore perspective clones are a “no go”. Q1: 所有的npc看起来都会是独一无二的吗?还是说我们会
    fbfenzi 5-12
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    [1:14]Q: Will mined out locations be depletable, and will the minerals regenerate? A:Mining won’t alter geometry, but an object on the planet. If they do regenerate, they might not look the same or be in the same area. Q1: 矿物资源会枯竭吗?还是会再生? A1: 开采并不会改变一个地理位置的地貌,但是矿物本身属于星球的物体(注:大致意思是矿物会作为实体存在于星球上)。如果矿物会再生,再生之后的种类和位置也可能不同。 [4:26]Q:Are there any new animations or physics effects that you have been working on and the
    gxnnjy3 6-15
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    问:探矿者会使用和猎户座相同的RMAP技术吗?(RMAP=remote material analysis packages,远程物质分析包) 答:猎户座上的RMAP系统由扫描员操作,借此提供精确的信息。探矿者仅有一个矿工,我们希望放更多精力在飞船上的扫描系统上。因此,探矿者会使用扫描仪器提供一定空域内的一般性信息,定位矿物物质,就像一个更大更先进的金属探测器。 问:相比猎户座大型平台,在跟踪、收集小型贵重和稀有矿物上,探矿者是否有优势? 答:探矿者会在钻取特
    aman8654 7-16

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