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Evil Regals' Family

  • 目录:
  • 明星
  • 18
    首先祝所有的Evil Regals新年快乐呦~在2014让我们一起追OUAT吧! 今天要为大家介绍一个网站 这是一个属于所有支持SwanQueen这对cp的小伙伴们的网站,它会在2014年的第一天与oncers见面(具体以哪边时间为准还不太清楚),在这里你可以发表任何有关SwanQueen的东西,可以是Lana&JMO的图、片场照、手绘图、故事、同人文等等等等。网站串联了美国、法国、英国等许多国家的fans,目前有英文、法文、德文、西班牙文,当然啦,也有中文[滑稽] 所有
  • 13
    ABC’s Once Upon a Time will add a little pixie dust this season when Kiwi actress Rose McIver debuts as Peter Pan sidekick Tinker Bell in the third episode. “Our Tink is very strong, a lot of fun and not afraid to go out and have a few shots,” says executive producer Edward Kitsis. “And although her heart is usually in the right place, she is mischievous.”McIver, 25, says her “glamorous” Tink comes with a magic wand — and a mysterious past. “Captain Hook has a history with Tink and wants to find her to help lead the team to Peter Pan’s camp,” says the actress, whose wing
  • 201
    时间以米国时间为准… 1L还是献度娘…
    轩_SW 11-6

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会员: EvRegal

目录: 明星