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04231234开吗开吗法海的粉丝群)微信滴932024过去快一半了新专还不来1每次听blonde都不同程度的破防 why how4引言:歌词描述这段亲密关系如同希格斯玻色子一样填充了他的生活,为他的生活赋予了全新的意义。但是 Ocean 却无法控制这段关系的运作,就如同人对于自然的不可知一样。 《Higgs》,标题是指“希格斯玻色子”,在物理学当中会给其他粒子赋予重量,也被称作“上帝粒子”。在歌曲当中,Frank Ocean 借用了这个物理概念,说“It’s all new to me… Having you around the Higgs.”,这段亲密关系如同希格斯玻色子一样填充了他的生活,为他的生活赋予了全新的06163193今天心血来潮,开个大坑,我对贴吧没什么贡献,妄称爱小海。本人高三学生党,我就当做学英语,自娱自乐,来走进法海的内心世界。218尼玛听了我20多遍才听出来了13blonde有实体CD吗?求购啊(忽略杂志里面那张) 话说channel orange是再版了吗,为什么最近市面上这么多27FRANK OCEAN: FIVE THINGS TO KNOWWRITTEN BY HIGH SNOBIETYDECEMBER 30, 2013 via PEPSI Frank Ocean emerged at a time in music where image seemed to trump content. Acts—whether they be solo or groups—engaged in a flawed game of show-and-tell in which they attempted to demonstrate mastery simply by explaining all of the “excess” that comes along with being in the business. Ocean’s poignant and refreshing take was a breath of fresh air for music lovers who were growing tired of the status quo and longed for a reliable orator for more universal topics. Despite still being in the early stage3求求了frank Ocean的《the lonny breaux collection》哪位大神有资源吶7谁有这首歌的翻译?谢谢了,最近循环了好久,真的唱到心坎里了。30求求求求求求求求求求求了4305Frank Ocean leads I'll Be Your Mirror Day 1 Saturday September 22, 2012 11:01 AM By Glenn Gamboa Frank Ocean walked onstage at Pier 36 in Ma