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IP属地:浙江97楼2011-09-28 21:07

    IP属地:比利时98楼2011-09-28 21:26

      IP属地:上海99楼2011-09-29 00:47

        100楼2011-09-29 18:16

          IP属地:浙江101楼2011-09-29 19:43

            IP属地:江苏102楼2011-09-30 13:28

              103楼2011-10-01 16:31
                更新啦啊啊啊,@janeliang @lovplush @parermayla @hotsdve
                -------------------------------第八章 金童---------------------------
                THE GOLDEN BOY

                IP属地:浙江105楼2011-10-03 20:57
                  You are not only well-known, but people treat you in a completely different way.
                  There was a time when we trained with Alexey Urmanov on one and the same ice. I was only a boy and he already an Olympic champion. Very often girl-fans came to ask him for an autograph. Sometimes he nodded towards me and joked: “Girls, there is Evgeni Plushenko skating. Go to him and ask him for an autograph.” I turned away, made an appearance that I did not hear anything and continued training hard. These jokes insulted me, but even then I knew that girl-fans would come to me too, and they would be even more than anybody else’s.
                  Mishin always gave us, the youngs, Urmanov for a model, his first student-a champion. We watched Urmanov with admiration – he was a great sportsman, an Olympic champion. Of course, we learned from him.
                  But I did never want to copy Urmanov. I wanted to have a style of my own, a style of Evgeni Plushenko. Of course, I took something from different sportsmen : Petrenko, Urmanov, Yagudin, Browning, Boitano, Fadeev.
                  I liked the quick legs and the speed of Elvis Stojko, the precision of movements of Todd Eldredge, the artistry of Victor Petrenko, the classical programs and classical choreography of Alexey Urmanov. I took a little from everyone of them, added something from me and I had my own style of skating. May be now, some young skaters take something from me too, this is normal.
                  When I was eleven, The Good Will Games took place in Petersburg. In them participated my idol Victor Petrenko – a talented skater and an Olympic champion. Till then I had seen him many times on the tv. I took care not to miss any competition with him.

                  IP属地:浙江107楼2011-10-03 20:59
                    Fame came to me very early. And because of it there appeared in me an excessive self-confidence. It was obvious in sport. It seemed to me, that no one can win against me any more, I nearly felt the crown standing on my head. Every time when I had such a feeling, mom made me go down to earth again. When she saw that I grew proud, she advised me :
                    - What, you have become a champion? This was yesterday, Zhanya! Now, forget everything and start anew- new life, new training and new victories. It is fantastic every time you achieve something, but remember not to get proud!
                    These were always her words – no matter if I had just started to achieve something or I had already achieved it. Sometimes I was offended and tried to prove that I am already a grown up person, a champion. But she immediately interrupted me :
                    - And never forget how hard it was and where you have started from.
                    I was not allowed to get proud by the people in the Palace of Sport “Yubilejny” too. There started rumours: “Plushenko has the illness of the stars! Plushenko got proud, he doesn’t greet any more!” I have to say this was not true. The only reason not to greet someone I knew was that I merely had not seen him, becoming thoughtful at that moment. But when I heard the rumours I started greeting everyone, sometimes even more than once, so that no one thought me proud because of this.
                    Fame is not only an attraction of notice, it is quite a money too. The expensive shops are open for you, you can afford much. And considering that you had nothing before, your appetite grows wild. As if you have put a starving man in front of a magnificent table, set out with marvelous dishes.

                    IP属地:浙江110楼2011-10-03 21:02
                      Such a man cannot control himself and will overeat. I needed time to become fed up.
                      In the times when I was a junior competit0r I envied the seniors who wore golden chains, rings, bracelets. I had no money to afford this, but I wished so much I could wear some golden article. So I set myself a task – to buy a golden ring for my 16th birthday.
                      This dream was fulfilled when I was 15. I competed in the Grand Prix in the American town of Detroit and became second. When the competition finished I went to buy myself a ring..
                      I went in a jewellery and saw a very beautiful golden ring – a big one with innumerable diamonds. It cost no less than 1 200 dollars! At that day there was a discount and the price went down to 700 dollars. I was tempted, it appeared I could save money too. And I bought it and wore it for a long time. I keep it home even till today.
                      Since then I started buying all the gold I liked. It was all over me – I had chains, lavaliers, bracelets and I was shining on the sun. Fortunately, this passion passed over quickly.
                      从那时起我开始买一切我喜欢的金饰。我戴了一身—我有金链子,领夹,手镯, 在阳光下我闪闪发光。幸好这种热情很快消逝了。
                      I bought my rings a bit bigger, but after several months or not more than an year they broke! Exactly in the middle. It happened with the other jewels too – the bracelets and the chains broke without rhyme or reason! And they were expensive.
                      Why did it happen? I cannot find an answer even till today. Perhaps from my mighty energy, or may be gold was just not my metal.
                      为什么会发生这样的事?直到今天我也没有找到答龘案。大概是我的能量太充沛, 或者金子不是我的命中金属。

                      IP属地:浙江111楼2011-10-03 21:04
                        p. 55
                        - Do you want to sit behind the wheel?
                        - Of course!
                        I started moving the gearshift lever. First speed, second, third. I did not know anything about driving a car then, I did not even know that when you change the speed you have to press the clutch pedal. Luckily, I did not make any harm to the car, because it was not ignited. The Frenchman saw that I was interested and began to show and explain how the car works. Then I understood how to drive a car. It was great.
                        我开始换档。一档、二档、 三档。那时我根本不知道怎么开车,我根本不知道换挡时需要踩离合器。幸运地是,我没有给那辆车造成任何损害,因为我根本没有发动它。那个法国人看我对这兴趣很大,就开始向我展示和解释汽车的工作原理。我这才开始知道如何开车。这真棒。
                        Thus “Opel Vectra” became the most impressive moment from my first traveling abroad.
                        When I was 14 I bought a car for my dad and after two years I bought a car for myself too. It was “Volkswagen Golf” and for some reason it was dark green, although my favourite colours have always been black and silver.
                        At this time father already lived with us in Petersburg and taught me how to drive. He sat beside me while I was driving to the Palace of Sport and instructed me how to go inside the next row of cars, how to keep a distance.
                        The next car I bought was “Lend Cruiser”. I bought it for the whole family. It was big, as if for journeys only. My parents traveled with it to Volgograd.
                        This passion of mine made me buy one car after another. I just went to the shop and if I liked some car I bought it without thinking it over.
                        The next car was a class sporting car, very fast and comfortable. Then a “Mercedes” appeared. Then I received some cars as presents from friends.

                        IP属地:浙江113楼2011-10-03 21:06
                          This passion faded too. It is true I like watches till today and cannot pass by a watch shop without looking at the articles. Especially on the airports of Los Angeles or New York. But I try not to buy them. Now I have my problems, my difficulties. Also I have a family – parents, a sister with a niece, a son, I have a future. And when money appears, it had to be invested in serious matters.

                          IP属地:浙江115楼2011-10-03 21:07

                            IP属地:比利时116楼2011-10-03 21:08

                              IP属地:浙江117楼2011-10-03 21:09