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IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2014-06-19 03:57回复
    Addtion of numbers Time Limit: 2 seconds Eric is currently studying in Primary two. He was asked to do n ( 1【图片】n【图片】20 ) addition problems, which is to sum up two integers, a and b ( 1【图片】a, b < 231 ). He has to hand this in tomorrow. However, he is a very lazy student. He wants to play lego instead of doing this homework. You are Eric's elder brother and he ask you to help him. As both of you are lazy guys, you decide to write a program to complete this task rather than calculating those by hand. Input The input contains n + 1 lines of input. The first line of the input is the number n. The second line to the n + 1th line contains two numbers a and b at each line. Output The output file contains n lines, which are the sum of a and b. The i-th line of output is the sum of the two integers in the i+1-th line of input. Sample Input5 1 1 2 9 3 6 4 19 5 200 Sample Output2 11 9 23 205
    解答:var x,y,n:qword; i:longint; begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(x,y); writeln(x+y); end; en

    IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端3楼2014-10-10 23:00
      7号球员夏普分球,传给 9号队员,9号队员也叫夏普,他们可能是兄弟。在足 坛活跃着很多兄弟,比如荷兰的德波尔兄弟,爱尔兰的基恩兄弟。   好球,这个球传给10号传得非常好。咦,10号怎么也叫夏普。可能是这样的, 外国球员印在球衣上的只是姓,这些球员都姓夏普,就像韩国有很多球员都姓朴。   漂亮,10号连过两名队员,破门得分,11号上前祝贺,11号是--夏普??   ( 停顿好大一会)对不起,夏普是印在球衣上赞助商的名字

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端11楼2015-07-22 14:17