白之终结吧 关注:1,391贴子:5,948



OFF-WHITE 是一个具有神话色彩的漫画由Jessi Derenthal, Anna Podedworna和Katarzyna Redesiuk编写绘制。这个漫画的脑洞是一个随意的解释北欧神话和作者独创的观点的混合。故事的主线是一群狼在他们头狼的领导下去见一个神秘的圣人,这个圣人会决定狼群中那个拥有神力的最年轻的家伙的命运。

IP属地:北京1楼2014-07-19 22:51回复

    IP属地:北京2楼2014-07-19 23:00
      尽管开始时,漫画的线稿是打在纸上的, now it's made completely digitally。现在我们在用Photoshop CS3和Corel Painter 11。 我们用的文件是A3的300像素版面。虽然目标格式是A5因此排版简单——小体积、小版面。

      IP属地:北京3楼2014-07-19 23:11

        IP属地:北京5楼2014-07-20 09:36

          IP属地:北京6楼2014-07-20 09:42
            The comic
            OFF-WHITE is a fantasy comic written and drawn by Jessi Derenthal, Anna Podedworna and Katarzyna Redesiuk. The realm in which the story takes place is a mixture of loosely interpreted Norse mythology and original ideas of the authors. The main plot line revolves around a pack of wolves led by their alpha to meet a mysterious sage, who is going to decide about the destiny of the youngest member of the group.
            The beginning
            The comic started as a 5 page one-shot. At first it was going to be only a drawing practice, but it met such a warm reception from deviantART users, that soon more pages were released. The first page was released back in June of 2008. The comic is still updated and we try to do it as regularly as possible. At the moment the first pages are slowly being redone due to the major art quality improvement in the newest chapters.
            The technique
            Even though at the very beginning, the sketches for the comic were done on paper, now it's made completely digitally. At the moment we're using Photoshop CS3 and Corel Painter 11. The canvas we're working on is A3 format in 300dpi, though the target format for printing is A5 hence the simple panelling - small size, less panels.
            The inspirations
            The beginnings of the comic were very chaotic and because of that we drew from various sources. From the most obvious inspiration - the Norse myths and legends, through love for the winter scenery and mountains, to all sorts of movies, animations and books, we took bits and pieces of impressions to create something of our own. An honourable mention should go to 'journey' stories like Lord of the Rings, The Witcher, Wolf's Rain, Watership Down or The Animals Of Farthing Wood for creating an amazing atmosphere and also to artistic output of companies like Disney, Studio Ghibli or Dreamworks for great interpretations of shapes, movement and mimic.
            The future
            The story we want to tell should close in 3 volumes 200-250 pages each. We're planning to publish in print the first volume only after we finish it and redo all the oldest pages that need both visual and story-telling tweaks.

            IP属地:北京7楼2014-07-20 09:43
              Albert and Seven
              Duo that's one of many teams hired by the Temple of Askr to find and capture the white spirit of the wolves to try and recreate the white human spirit.
              Sigrdrifa 'Seven' Valdsteinn comes from a family with long traditions of hunting. Since early childhood she has hated her name and decided to go by the nickname 'Seven' which meaning she keeps a secret. She has high hopes of getting the prize for capturing the white wolf spirit. Even though she's very disciplined, determined and pragmatic, she's often impatient and falls victim to her own caprices.
              Albert Hummergail is Seven's old friend, driver and... accountant. Unlike her, he's never been interested in hunting or in fact anything else that involves even the slightest chance of getting hurt. The only reason for which he moved out of the car and followed Seven into the wild, was her teasing that if he's not going to be there when she catches the spirit, he won't get any money from the bounty.

              IP属地:北京8楼2014-07-20 10:02
                The eldest and most experienced member of the pack. He was born and spent most of his life in the forests of the east foothills of Midgarstorm Mountains. Former member of the Othala's pack. Together with his nephew Gebo, he split with them during a snowstorm and later on joined Raigho's pack where he became his right hand, counselor and friend.

                IP属地:北京11楼2014-07-20 10:25
                  The youngest member of the pack, adopted by Raigho and Jera who found him as a pup after a long snowstorm. He loves to run and chase everything that moves but up till now he has never managed to catch anything. His clumsiness and slowness makes him completely useless during hunting and he's often a bit of square peg in a round hole.

                  IP属地:北京12楼2014-07-20 10:31
                    The only pup of Raigho's and Jera's litter, who survived the harsh snowstorm. Rather silent, withdrawn and well-mannered. She's trying her best to fulfil her duties in the pack and meet her mother's expectations. She's usually the one to pour oil on troubled waters made by Jera and her foster brother Iki.

                    IP属地:北京13楼2014-07-20 10:38
                      Young and shy wolf, who like his uncle Fehu is not related to other members of Raigho's pack. After splitting with his original pack, he has never found his feet in the new one.

                      IP属地:北京14楼2014-07-20 10:41
                        Leader of a large pack living in the forest at the feet of Midgardsorm Mountains. She took over her function after the tragic death of her partner. She likes easy temporary solutions and believes that the pack's strength lies in the number of members. Mother of two pups - Regin and Dain.

                        IP属地:北京15楼2014-07-20 10:45
                          漫画源地址: http://off-white.eu/

                          IP属地:北京17楼2014-07-20 10:57

                            IP属地:北京19楼2014-07-27 20:12
                              惊现 Wolf's Rain !!!

                              IP属地:北京来自Android客户端20楼2014-08-09 10:51