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这篇是7月16日Rossiyskaya Gazeta的采访,篇幅有点长,翻译也拖了比较长时间orz,过来放一下

1楼2014-08-06 21:07回复
    Plushenko is the fifth circle. Hell?
    Two-time Olympic champion wants to start at the Olympics 2018
    He came running to look at all accustomed to visits by distinguished guests edition. People came, I want to win and health. And Plushenko in a white jacket and blue jeans was polite in trouble free autographs and photo shoots. And most importantly - with sincerity suffered by answering questions about how it was and how else, he firmly believes it will be at the Olympics 2018.
    - Jack, let*s order. From 1st to 9th June you were going for the first time after the regular train operations on the basis of team Novogorske to view and evaluate how you work.
    Evgeni Plushenko: I like to be there, thank Federation, which gave me such opportunities to practice. To be honest, many of our foreigners and there is not very much, but I adore Navagorsk. Out on the ice every day: back pain is not yet released. But first triple jumps are made: triple toe loop jump, two and a half turns axel ... Quite good for me.
    - And then what?
    Evgeni Plushenko: After Novogorsk went to Japan on demonstrations. Going to perform in three cities, but the Olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu, who invited and asked to stay 11 shows across Japan. I bowled the last year*s short program "Storm" and once even jumped three and a half turns axel. Cascade was triple toe - triple toe loop. In training has already begun to jump triple loop, triple lutz.
    - A complete set of triple jumps.
    Evgeni Plushenko: Of course, after such training back feels much worse. Much. But it was great: I*m practicing with young kids. With the same Chania. And that, I want to tell you something. He jumps three quads! And all this is very stable. Were he attempts to jump a triple axel - quadruple toe loop. And so, or nearly so in Japan, he not only rides, but Oda, Takahiko Kozuka, Tatsuki Machida, and several of the young guys. Calmly quads are in great shape. Here is a samurai! And I went with them to train.
    - In which city?
    Evgeni Plushenko: Yes everywhere, in every city they train like a madman, at every show do quads - in the open, on the closures. I now looked all world figure skating - our children, Canadians, Americans, Europeans. And the Japanese today, at some level the highest.
    - And how are you relationship with them?
    Evgeni Plushenko: All of them treat me positively, well, I said to him. Yuzuru Hanyu admits that even today I have some kind of idol for him. And he is well behaved, with no quirks-zaletonov and other star.

    2楼2014-08-06 21:12

      IP属地:浙江7楼2014-08-06 21:24

        8楼2014-08-06 21:27

          9楼2014-08-07 00:20
            普是想跟随一颗不停跳动的心,带领一众晚辈小朋友们一起跳回母星呀… 入正题:很高兴普能看得开那些负面攻击,索契后的那些杂音也曾经困扰我这个普迷很久啊,直到他迅速的令人惊奇又令人惊喜的身体状况好转;更好的是他积极的与发出那些声音的人沟通!普在这个项目多年,有了深厚的积淀了,有了坚实的团队支持他,这是比大赛奖杯更重要的积淀啊。只希望他不要再数着奥运会过日子了,太苦了,作为普粉谁能忘记他在索契的神态…不愿再看到了,只想今年雅姿的笑容永伴普群

            来自Android客户端10楼2014-08-07 14:43

              IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧11楼2014-08-12 21:33