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Ganapathi 承认印共毛在老根据地遭到削弱,要求开辟新战线


Acknowledging “loss of considerable number of party leaders”, the CPI (Maoist) has listed protection of its “subjective leadership” as top priority and decided to intensify its campaign to strengthen cadres in view of the “weakened movement in rural plains and urban areas”.
Listing challenges before the party, CPI (Maoist) general secretary Muppala Lakshman Rao alias Ganapathi, in an internally circulated interview for the Maoist Information Bulletin, said: “We have lost considerable number of party leaders at all levels starting from the central committee to the village level party committees. Therefore, we have identified the preservation of existing subjective forces from enemy attacks as one of the foremost tasks before the party.”
Stressing the importance of preserving “subjective leadership”, Ganapathi called for “preparing new leadership and raising consciousness for a strong party with the continuation of leadership as a condition for the success of the revolution”.
Admitting to mass surrender by active cadres, Ganapathi refused to attribute it to the “improved surrender policy” of the government. “More than three-fourth of the mass surrenders are due to targeting of active cadres by means such as severe torture, rape, destruction of property, psychological warfare, threat to kill or maim etc.”
He said some individuals, People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) and mass organisations “are kneeling before the enemy. Yes, there is increase in such numbers recently and a few from state, district and area committee levels have also surrendered”.
“The solution for all these is in raising the political consciousness and commitment of the cadres at all levels. The present Bolshevization campaign is dealing with this.”
Ganapathi acknowledged that the Maoist party had weakened in the areas it existed for long. “We need to expand the movement to newer areas and open new battlefronts,” he said in the interview.
Calling for sacrifices, including “supreme sacrifice” at all levels, he said there was need to intensify the Bolshevization (revolutionary commitment) campaign. “The reasons are intensified enemy offensive, severe losses to the party and difficult situation faced by the movement, need to increase proletarian trends in view of increasing non-proletarian trends.”
He urged cadres to carry out “wide propaganda against the Modi government and Sangh Parivar’s pro-imperialist and pro-feudal agenda” because these could lead to “oppression of Dalits, Muslims and working classes due to new liberal and fascist Hindutva policies”.
He said there was “good potential for building and strengthening civil rights movements”.
Asked how the party proposed to face the “third phase of Operation Green Hunt (OGH)”, Ganapathi said: “We will have to resolutely unite all sections of the people affected by Modi government’s anti-people agenda. For this, our policies and tactics should be such that all democratic, progressive, secular and patriotic forces rally together in favour of the people and oppose and fight back Modi’s reactionary policies and particularly the third phase of OGH.
We call upon all forces to fight on all fronts against this multi-pronged enemy offensive.”

1楼2015-04-21 00:53回复

    2楼2015-04-21 00:54

      来自Android客户端3楼2015-07-06 23:58

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