波兰男排吧 关注:887贴子:45,145



是的 现在才发( ´_ゝ‘)
一期 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/367596

四月27日 一队集训 主教练Antiga
五月17日 二队集训 主教练Kowala
五月16日-七月19日 世界男排联赛 (一队)5.28 主场与俄罗斯打响首战
六月12-28日 阿塞拜疆欧洲运动会 (二队)
七月3日-八月16日 欧洲联赛 (二队)8.12-16 主场 总决赛
八月22-24日 瓦格纳纪念邀请赛
九月8-23日 日本世界杯 (一队)
十月8-18日 意大利-保加利亚欧锦赛 (一队)

1楼2015-05-08 21:36回复
    7楼2015-05-09 21:58
      楼主的精品帖子啊 哎 吧里动静太小了 希望 联赛开始了 会有人气些

      9楼2015-05-10 01:01

        10楼2015-05-10 06:45

          11楼2015-05-10 19:31
            Kadrowicze na zgrupowaniu w Spale 【recruited into the training camp in Spale】
            rozgrywający: Grzegorz Łomacz, Grzegorz Pająk; atakujący: Jakub Jarosz, Dawid Konarski, Bartosz Kurek, Szymon Romać; środkowi: Mateusz Bieniek, Wojciech Grzyb, Marcin Możdżonek; przyjmujący: Bartosz Bednorz, Rafał Buszek, Michał Kubiak, Marcin Waliński; libero: Paweł Zatorski.

            13楼2015-05-13 00:08
              俄主帅Voronkov:There's one year left before the Olympics in Rio,Brazil,and it's time to test out the team.

              14楼2015-05-13 00:19
                真期待啊 啊啊啊啊

                来自iPhone客户端15楼2015-05-13 10:50
                  05-12 Bełchatow
                  在同一场地将进行世青赛预选赛 国家几位与国青队进行单局15分的混合分组对抗 比分2:2 (15:8, 9:15, 13:15, 15:7)

                  16楼2015-05-13 23:54
                    05-13 TeamIran is well prepared for the WL.

                    18楼2015-05-14 00:01
                      U21男排在世预赛中已取两连胜(3-0意大利 3-0奥地利)确定晋级今年的世青赛
                      队长、改打接应位的Aleksander Śliwka两场均独得19分
                      与此同时女队三战(1-3意大利 1-3俄罗斯 2-3斯洛文尼亚)皆墨早早出局

                      19楼2015-05-17 02:40
                        The press are invited to meet with the Polish men's NT on 20,May.

                        20楼2015-05-17 02:48
                          16/05/2015 hours. 23:35【Google机翻 自行polish】
                          Qualifying for the World Cup juniors: Alexander Plum - Could not be better
                          On the second day qualifying tournament for the Junior World Championships Polish national team with the representation of Austria won 3: 0, giving himself while participating in a tournament final. - That was the plan and it realized - said after the meeting the captain white-and-red Alexander plum .
                          pzps.pl: - The match against Austria was with these lightweight, easy and pleasant?
                          - Yes it is supposed to look, I've assumed it. Before this meeting, we learned that the Italians win 3: 1 over France will open a situation such that we won 3: 0 provide us with promotion to the World Cup. We have double, even triple mobilized to win in such a ratio that meeting. From the beginning, we started off great, that we did what we missed in the match against Italy. I think that was the key to victory, because the Austrians of every action physically "swollen" and it was hard for them to play, which shows even the second set when he won 25:11. We could play a few tricks that with greater stress we did not play. We are at the world championships. It could not be better.
                          - That a meeting with France could be seen as training?
                          - Every game for us is a good experience. The team of France has assured promotion to the World Cup and maybe we will get them there. Therefore, we must fight with them. It is possible that James Bednaruk will rotował composition, because obviously we allow such a possibility. Boys also want to play. They are in good shape, as shown in training and probably will get the chance to play. But definitely we play for a win and not step down.
                          - After last season, the league has called you to represent both juniors and seniors.
                          - At the moment I play in the frame juniors, and every vocation, or training with the senior staff is for me a great experience and joy. I'm really glad that I'm in a wide frame seniors. I had the pleasure to train with the best players, coaches Stephane Antiga and Phillipe Blaine and his staff training. It was a sensational experience. If sometime in the future I will have to practice anything with them and play it well I will be very happy.
                          - There is a perception that once was the time Peter Pears, now comes the time of Alexander the plums. As you will refer to this?
                          - I will not use this specially referring to. I have to deal with playing. I am a volleyball player, not an expert. I play, and they engaged in searching for such comparisons. I do not mind. I think it's more humorous accent.
                          - Comparison to Peter Pears is for a young player is a great honor.
                          - This is obviously honor. I have great respect for Peter, who played the most matches in the Polish squad, he was her captain, has won many medals. This is a great career. He was one of the most outstanding Polish athletes. Of course, this comparison is a big deal ... but for me it just playing or training. Nothing else does not interest me.
                          - On the pitch you are very similar to it. Live reacts too, mobilizes colleagues to fight.
                          - I must admit that every person is a different opinion. Some people consider me a quiet man, others as spontaneous. I am a young player and can not always choose my emotions well to the situation on the pitch, but I try to stay calm when you need to, and another time to introduce a little spontaneity. I hope that as it comes out good for me. Of course, perfection comes to life.
                          - Last season you spent in the capital's University of Technology under the guidance of James Bednaruka, now working together in the frame. What do you learned from him?
                          - With Jacob for me to work fantastically, we understand. First of all, it is an amazing man, which is very easy to make contact. About everything you can to talk to him, it is a great expert, which has already proved more than once. Here in the frame juniors we moved from the Polytechnic of several players and coaching staff. As a result, we were able to quickly rip. I am glad that I can still work with him because of the new season already have such an opportunity I will not.
                          - So little sorry to leave the capital club you?
                          - Of course I regret. Lowering every place associated with sadness, but you have to move forward. I think that this is the way of things. I am a player of the club from Rzeszow. Asseco Resovia wants me back, so I go back and I will try to help them next season. Thank you very much fans, players, General Staff and the persons associated with the Warsaw University for the year. I think that thanks to them I was able to make significant progress in the game. I really owe them a lot and really thank them for that.

                          21楼2015-05-17 10:11

                            22楼2015-05-17 23:47

                              来自Android客户端23楼2015-05-18 06:54