成龙踢馆吧 关注:3贴子:17
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1楼2015-05-29 15:36回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2015-08-17 19:26

      IP属地:浙江3楼2015-12-31 18:45

        IP属地:北京4楼2020-03-23 09:21
          战斧2 是一款旧式清版通关的动作类型游戏,游戏讲述了在干死了一代的boss death adder 和 death bringer 几年后,一个叫做dark guld的恶魔皇帝夺走了战斧并且妄想得到战斧的力量,三个主人公为了拯救世界再一次合作打败反派,这款游戏中敌人种类比一代要多很多,首先是zakkar,zakkar这个敌人看起来和一代的longmoan很相似,代其实并不是一代的longmoan,原因是因为longmoan头盔上有两个角,zakkar只有一个,而且longmoan穿的是一身衣服,zakkar全的事一身钢甲,但是zakkar的攻击方式和longmoan是一样的,同样也是使用狼牙棒锤击玩家,但是速度并不快,这个游戏的敌人分很多种类,zakkar的种类有棕色蓝色黑色紫色红色黄色,棕色和蓝色zakkar挥棒速度比较慢,黑色紫色较为中等,但是黄色和红色的挥棒速度可就非常快乐,但玩家仍然可以使用上下错位的方式可以躲避,第二个是greness,一般战斧系列里跟双截龙的特性是一样的,就是有三个小兵,两个男的一个女的,而且两个男的小兵总是频繁在游戏里反复出现,阻挡玩家前进,战斧一代中的longmoan和heninger就相当于双截龙一代二代中的小喽啰Williams和roper,战斧二代中的greness应该是取代了一代heninger的位置,但是greness的攻击方式和heninger非常不同,他是使用受伤的钢爪挠玩家,棕色蓝色黑色的状态下的greness在攻击玩家的时候可以上下错位躲避,但是红色和金色就不行了,他这攻击方式就和zakkar不一样了,金色红色的攻击速度更快,伤害更高,尤其是一大堆敌人的时候,更不好躲避,所以打金色的一定要用冲撞技能来攻击他,在他倒地的时候,赶快躲开,第三个minotauro,在西班牙语里是牛头怪的意思,在这里他是第一关boss,用锤子打你并且你利他距离近的话他还会用手拽你,他的攻击方式和体型和一代的boss bad brothers 很相似,打他唯一不掉血的方法就是来回找时机用冲撞撞他,他有棕蓝红三个版本,棕蓝强度不算高,红色就要更加谨慎一些,第四个小骷髅,骷髅兵是战斧系列中不可缺少的一种精英怪,在每一代战斧系列中都有登场,但是二代的骷髅更一代骷髅攻击稍微有点不一样,同样是使用主角相似的技能,但是二代的骷髅你不能上下错位来躲避攻击,但是一代却能,如果在二代你遇到了一大堆骷髅,你可以用跳跃砍刀技能来打他们,比较合适, 骷髅分三个版本,白色黑色红色(这游戏只要是红色的怪都比较难打)白色比较简单,打两套拳法就死了,黑色比较抗打,在第二关打四套,但在第四关血量增加要打5套,红色的和黑色一样比较难打,骷髅的冲撞速度比较快要小心,第五个death armor这个家伙没有头部,只有巨大的身体,拿着剑,剑的攻击范围比较长,不好躲避,而且你冲撞他的时候,他还会躲避,只能用剑打他,可以看出来他就相当于一代的ltbitter,第六个lizardman,蜥蜴人,蜥蜴人是比较难对付的敌人,会用尾巴打你,剑砍死你,冲撞***,一旦成群打,玩家的威胁比较大,原谅色的是最**的,速度慢,紫色的较为中等,红色速度快伤害高冲撞速度快, 第七个,魔法师,战斧2中的魔法不是瓶子,而是书,这些书本是魔法师的,击中他就会掉落书本,他是游戏里比较好对付的,第八个,金色death armor这家伙速度快,血量多,但是只要慢慢细心打就能打死他,作为小boss坐在dark guld的宝座上等待与玩家对打,最终 boss dark guld游戏的最终敌人,会召唤小骷髅,会用斧头砍你,会使用玩家的魔法,比较难对付,最好把他引到最下面打,那样他就不会乱跑了不一会就会被你打败。

          IP属地:北京5楼2020-04-15 13:56
            stage 1; ravaged village
            stage 2; ancient ruin
            stage 3;tower
            stage 4; dragon's throat
            stage 5; castle‘s gate
            stage 6; castle's inner
            stage 7;dark guld's chamber

            IP属地:北京6楼2020-04-15 14:16
              today let's talking about a famous sega game golden axe 1, this game is very active and interesting for me because the background, enemies and magic system in this game are very different from other games of sega, this game is the first version of the golden axe series. it introduced a big leader demon named death adder who he want to get the power from the golden axe that he come to the old firewood kingdom obtain the axe and he kill some knights and soldiers too. death adder has taken the king and princess at this time, three heroes are stand up and decide to revenge for villagers and kingdom, the players are appeared when a injured warrior has been heavy attacked by a longmoan and players ask him what happened in this area, the friend is alex he says a demon named death adder, he accepted the mission from the boss and he going to investgate something about death adder's army, but unfortunately is he seemed has been watched by the soldiers under the death adder that he has been attacked by the death adder's evil no mercy soldiers. he will dying. his last word is take revenge for him. after that word over, alex is fall down, the enemies is very less more than version 2. first kind longmoan he is the weakest enemy in this game that he just how to use the club swinging to attack player as well. he can super dash, he only can use these skills. second kind heninger. heninger is the common lowest soldier in the game as a closest partner of longmoan. they always act together. but his strengthen is more powerful than longmoan. player cannot use the dash to break out their dash because heningers probably has a critical hits to players. you only use the sword by your hands to cut him to die. this is the only method can keep you not less your healthy point. the third enemy is zaburoka a amazon barbarian female soldier, her appreance is similar to tyris flare. but tyris flare is a amazon soldier too. her attack speed is very quickly but lower than skeleton soldiers, her dash skill's speed is as fast as skeleton solder's dash. so you have must pay attention to this stinky dumbass bitches, they can hurt you a lot. fourth is the bad brothers a twin of the boss in the stage one, they can use the big hammer attack you and dash you etc, fifth kind of enemies is the skeleton soldiers, they are more powerful than longmoan and heningers, skeleton soldiers can use the skills from player such as flying cut, dash attack except release the magic. it is too difficult to fight against them that you better need the some tricks to kick them is the best idea for you to use. but the most ****ed is the skeletons in the final stage their healthy point is more and more higher. is the highest in this game. even more than death adder and death bringer. the sixth enemy is lieutenant bitter colonel bitter and general bitter three kinds of this strong enemy. lieuteuant bitter is such lower than player, player just catch up with the important chances and use the tricks can kill him easily, the colonel bitter is more difficult than lieutenant bitter, the golden one as known is the general bitter is the most difficult of three kinds of this enemy. we should fight them seriously ,the big boss death adder is the recurring antagonist in this game, it can release the land wave and can use the axe to cut you, but he is not as BT as death bringer. when player beat him the princess and king were rescue by the players and they says it is far from over that you need take your courage to enter the castle to fight more powerful enhanced enemies and final super BT boss death bringer for them, the player's order is just listen to them without any choices to avoid. the castle's inner place, more enemy's skin are turn to deep black that it means this is the place only allowed strong warrioir can come in. but even if they are black, the aggressive is still so garbage levels to us. some soldiers is so funny, they are camouflage a bronze statue waiting for players' approaching, when player close to them that they will become active and get prepared attack players. when you passed here, you must face to the final bt boss death bringer. the most ****ed is he can release the three magics from players Ax battler's earthquake, tyris flare's dragon's breath and thunderhead's rocks drop the most dangerous magic is tyris flare's magic when you got attacked by his magic it can hurt you three blood as a one life, you need avoid the undead skeleton solder's attacks and you must beat him quickly, finally, we are win. the axe is flying in the sky and drops to the death bringer's body, in the playstation two the undead skeletons are replaced by two strongest heningers as the guardians of the death bringer.

              IP属地:北京7楼2020-04-16 15:32
                魂斗罗是一款经典的红白机游戏,玩了这么久,你以为反派是那些异形,其实是我们主角自己,这一切还的从头开始,在魂斗罗一代,在一个外星星球上,外星原住民已经离开留下了一些科技,这是贪婪的人类高层已经看中了那些科技,于是便派出了contra特勤队去抢夺外星科技,比尔兰斯就是里面的成员之一,随后外星人侵略了地球,目的是夺回属于他们自己的科技文明,比尔兰斯也就开始与外星人作战,魂斗罗一代中的跑步的小兵,拿狙击枪的小兵其实都是被外星人洗脑了的人类士兵,也可以成红福军队,再经过了森林,基地1,瀑布,基地2,冰之要塞和炎之要塞之后就见到了这次的最终领导人天王创魔心,他本来是有头部的,头部只不过在第八关开头就被主角干掉了, 在打败了天王创魔心之后,一代就结束了,在魂斗罗二代中,人类高层知道了外星人又再一次打造了GX训练基地为他们的基地,于是又让比尔兰斯这两条傻狗去干翻他们,但是外星人还是不死心,还要抢回自己的文明科技,比尔兰斯经历很长一段历程之后,终于来到了这次的最终boss阴兽,打败他之后,2代结束了,在真魂斗罗中,地球发生一次核爆炸,丧尸了百分之八十的人口,这本来就是人类三巨头干的,最后把罪孽推到比尔身上,比尔被关押了,另一边,兰斯知道了三巨头的诡计,于是想告知观众和媒体,但是被人类高层杀死灭口,兰斯为了活下去告知真相,就往自己身体里植入了外星胚胎再次复活,成为血福组织的新领导人,带领军队到各处大肆破坏就是想震撼到三巨头兰斯他早晚会有一天会让大家知道这事情真相和凶手是谁,于是人类高层撑不住了,决定再次释放比尔这只狗为他们卖命,这时候比尔并不知道自己被人骗了,于是便和某博士用基因打造的DNA改造人类Lucia一起去攻打血福组织,第一关结束后,他们见到了兰斯,可是这时候兰斯并不时他们昔日的战友,而成为了敌人,兰斯一阵嘲讽比尔完之后,就用魔法少女的能力飞走了,再次见到他时已经在第五关,兰斯认为比尔的能力比他预想中还要厉害,于是便与比尔战斗,这一段分为两段剧情,一个是失败,一个是成功,达到成功的话就需要前几关卡的评价必须是A级别,失败就是A以下,失败的话兰斯会自爆,成功的话兰斯就会和比尔触发剧情,于是他就告诉比尔我们这些战士其实都被那些该死的三巨头给控制了,其实外星侵略者不是敌人,只是想抢回他们自己的遗产,艾莫拉,其实6年前兰斯是想告诉比尔这些事情的,可是因为兰斯由于伤势过重,没来得及告诉比尔就死翘翘了,所以比尔根本就不知道这些事情,听完之后,比尔更加愤怒了,兰斯说完这些后,也快奄奄一息了,兰斯的最后一句话是去吧比尔你要知道谁才是你真正敌人,但是比尔无论再怎么哭鼻子兰斯也不可能醒过来了,于是比尔就进入了异次元空间,把枪口指向了三巨头,三巨头可能早就知道比尔会背叛他们,于是早就分析完了艾莫拉的能力,于是就开始与比尔进行一场星球大战,代是反派还是不敌主角,最终被打败了,三巨头以为自己能掌握艾莫拉的能力但事实上是被艾莫拉的能力给吞噬了,游戏到这里也就结束了,原来,初代的比尔兰斯就是真正的反派,也不是什么拯救世界的英雄,就是俩强盗为了人类高层的野心而奋斗, 比尔兰斯简直就是两坨屎!

                IP属地:北京9楼2020-04-19 11:56

                  IP属地:北京10楼2020-04-19 12:06

                    IP属地:北京11楼2020-04-19 12:17