游戏会死人吧 关注:5贴子:930
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An interface introduces the name of a method.
A virtual method is the first implementation of a method.
An override method is another implementation of a method.
A sealed method is the last implementation of a method

IP属地:河北1楼2015-11-28 14:06回复
    1,The new operation allocates a chunk of raw memory from the heap.You have no control over this phase of an object's creation.
    2.The new operation converts the chunk of raw memory to an object; it has to initialize the object. You can control this phase by using a constructor.
    1.The Common Language Runtime must perform some tidying up.You can control this by writing a destructor.
    2.The CLR must return the memory previously belonging to the object back to the heap;the memory that the object lived in must be deallocated.You have no control voer this phase

    IP属地:河北3楼2015-11-29 03:36
      In this design pattern, the model provides the data used by the the app, the view repreents the way in which the data is displayed in the UI, and the ViewModel contains the logic that connects the two.

      IP属地:河北5楼2016-10-19 15:47