a4869aptx吧 关注:74贴子:9,687

回复:Start my log: This is my ultimate destination


Never stay too late man

来自Android客户端96楼2016-12-07 21:10
    Good morning, Freed

    IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端97楼2016-12-08 08:38
      When will you be to America again?

      来自Android客户端99楼2016-12-08 23:30
        Good morning, Freed

        IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端100楼2016-12-09 08:30
          If a man really annoys you, what will you do? To beat or to ignore? No matter what you will do with him, never break the law. No matter how powerfu, you are in a certan area that you can never get out. That's to say your power depends on the environment you stay in. So one should never think he was the best. For me, there is no best, but many "better"s.

          IP属地:山东101楼2016-12-09 21:17

            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端102楼2016-12-10 07:41
              Good afternoon, Freed

              IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端103楼2016-12-10 12:35
                Everytime I turn on my machine, I don't know what to say. It's a shame that many words come out of my mind when I am on a bus home. But somehow I can't remember what to say on the net. Maybe it is the God's suggestion that I should forget everything for the whole day and maybe I should receive a new mind everyday. Since it's the opinion of the God, I will refresh my brain every night.
                PIC: An AC4000 mode diesel locomotive manufactured by GE of America

                IP属地:山东104楼2016-12-10 14:03
                  I am very disappointed. One of my friend sold me this afternoon. Even though I gave him a sharp beat-back, I can't acept this fact. I can never believe he can do such things. I can never know what a man's real thought. But this is a good accident. It suggest me not to trust anyone unless I ensure he is truly in my side. What will I do with the guy? I will let him go hell tomorrow. A wonderful movie is going on. He will pay for it.

                  IP属地:山东105楼2016-12-10 21:26
                    have u figured out what's wrong with 7G5308

                    来自Android客户端106楼2016-12-10 21:33
                      The man named L who let me down yesterday was give a great punishment by me. I made a set up on him. At 9 o'cloc, I went to the administer's. I told the admin that L made a big mistake. Actually L did't upload his datas to the NTSB at all. In orer to make sure I was right, I phoned NTSB. NTSB told me there was no data from our FTSB yesterday. That was a holy mistake.

                      IP属地:山东107楼2016-12-11 13:30
                        Good afternoon, Freed

                        IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端108楼2016-12-11 15:02
                          Good night, Freed, have a nice dream

                          IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端109楼2016-12-11 22:19
                            Good morning,Freed

                            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端110楼2016-12-12 06:46
                              Good morning, how are you? Freed

                              IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端111楼2016-12-12 08:14