普鲁申科吧 关注:5,769贴子:182,301



IP属地:浙江1楼2017-03-31 22:56回复

    IP属地:浙江2楼2017-03-31 22:58

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端3楼2017-03-31 23:14

        IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端4楼2017-03-31 23:31

          来自Android客户端5楼2017-03-31 23:50

            IP属地:比利时6楼2017-04-01 00:18

              IP属地:广西来自Android客户端7楼2017-04-01 01:18

                来自iPhone客户端8楼2017-04-01 02:39
                  感觉还是好难过 虽然知道他退役是好事儿

                  IP属地:加拿大9楼2017-04-01 05:06

                    IP属地:上海10楼2017-04-01 08:17
                      普在Match TV的采访中说了这件事:
                      Two-time Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko has retired. He stated this in an interview to "Match TV". But for the Olympic games in Korea Plushenko is going.
                      – Ahead of the Olympic season special for all. Trip to Korea – main purpose for you?
                      – It is very important, Yes. As for me, I'm not going as an athlete. I finished a career in sports, – said Plushenko in interview to "Match TV". – Open his Academy, where I work as a coach. If we with the athletes ability to prepare for the Olympics, may be coming. Now there are guys from other countries who want me to do. There are guys from Russia, who can also claim to get in the top three and go to the Olympic games. Now I am focused on coaching and parallel to the riding demonstrations. Look at the athletes that I work with. If all goes well, maybe we'll go to Pyeongchang.
                      – You have all possible titles, but also health problems. How did you manage to get through it?
                      – This is a question that usually ask all my friends or those who approaches me on the street asking for an autograph. I can't be sick all life long. I have good doctors who healed me. Yes, I had to do two operations. A year ago I had a hernia operation and established implant-ROM. After the Olympics, had surgery. Now I feel great: I play football, play hockey, Golf, performing around the world. Unfortunately, it is rare in Russia, but I think it's going to change. Feel roundabout.
                      – When did you decide that the sport is time to finish?
                      – A year ago, when I was operated on for cervical. I thought it was enough. I look at young people as grown men's figure skating. With young people it is impossible now to compete – I think so. Is there some kind of limit. You rightly said about titles... I've had 15 operations, to speak at the fifth Olympics difficult. I already ate. Before I rushed to the ice, wanted to prove that in the men's figure skating, you can ride for a long time. It's not the same as before: 20-21 year – and went to skate in the show. And you can ride at 30-32. I see that today in the world Cup ride guys my age. Any contribution I have made to figure skating, changed attitudes and very proud of it.
                      Three key things that have changed in skating compared to the time when you rode?
                      – Tech multi-turn jumps, a quadruple, in the first place. 10 years ago, as I remember, taught Mishin quadruple Lutz, and jumped it, and the cascade "four-three", and a quadruple toeloop, a triple loop, but never put it in the program. Now it is the norm. If someone jumps a quadruple – this is nonsense. Two – all right. Changed rotation is complicated. Tracks steps become "shaped". Need to own a horse.
                      Missing young Russian skaters to become world leaders?
                      They are still young. I can say, for example, about Mikhail Kolyada – he's still ahead. For a year or two to catch up. For future competition it is necessary to learn a few quads to press the opponents technical base. The opponent sees you jump and begins to worry. A quadruple Lutz – the most difficult element. Misha, he has already obtained. Maxim Kovtun also need to learn a few quads and a stable ride.
                      – Russia medal in men's singles at the Games in Korea – is it real?
                      – No. Always tell the truth. It is necessary to remove the rose-colored glasses. The world Cup has shown that the best position is the sixth. It would be super. To get into the top ten of happiness. Third place in the men's singles to take.

                      11楼2017-04-01 09:49
                        两届奥运冠军叶甫根尼·普鲁申科退役了。他在与Match TV的访谈中宣称了这件事。但是普鲁申科仍然会去韩国的奥运会
                        -这非常重要,是的。而至于我,我不会作为运动员去那里。我结束了自己在运动中的生涯,-普鲁申科在Match TV的采访中说。-我的滑冰学校即将开业,我将在那里当教练。如果我们的运动员有时间为奥运准备,也许我会去。现在已经有来自其它国家的选手希望与我合作。有些俄罗斯的小伙子,他们也有可能获得国内前三的资格,去奥运会。现在我完全忙于教练工作,同时我也参加商演。让我们看看与我合作的运动员。如果一切成功的话,或许我们会去平昌。
                        -他们还年轻。举个例子,我可以说Mikhail Kolyada。他还属于将来。在未来的比赛中,他需要学会几种四周跳,以技术能力给对手压力。对手们看到你的跳跃,开始感到担心。最高难度的动作是4Lz,Misha已经学会了它。Maxim Kovtum也需要学会几种四周跳,以及稳定性。

                        12楼2017-04-01 09:50
                          Match TV访谈节目截图,来自日粉@yokotanpe:

                          13楼2017-04-01 10:07

                            14楼2017-04-01 10:08
                              "I want to collect a press conference and tell about my future plans." "My decision to announce the withdrawal from the sport today is not related to the skating shown by male figure skaters at the World Championships yesterday. Plushenko.
                              "I have a new career - coaching". Now a new career is a coaching story, "he added.
                              “我想召开一次记者会,透露我的未来计划。 我决定今天宣布从运动中退役,这和昨天世锦赛中男单选手们的表现无关,” 普鲁申科说。
                              “我有一个新的工作--教练。现在我的新工作是教练的故事了,” 他补充说。

                              15楼2017-04-01 10:14