西点军校22条军规 1.无条件执行;unconditional implementation; 2.工作无借口;work with out an excuse; 3.细节决定成败;the details determine success or failure 4.以上司为榜样;Division for more than an example 5.荣誉原则;the principle of honor
11.火一般的精神;the general spirit of the fire 12.不断提升自己;and continuously improve their own 13.勇敢者的游戏;the brave of the game 14.全力以赴;go all out 15.尽职尽责;dutifully
16.没有不可能;nothing is impossible 17.永不放弃;never give up 18.敬业为魂;dedicated to the soul 19.为自己奋斗;for their struggle 20.理念至上;the concept of the supremacy 21.自动自发;spontaneous; 22.立即行动 to take immediate action