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Esu Says Prepare for Changes
By Jess Anthony
Mar 10, 2010 - 9:38:53 PM
Esu, we have spoken about a new message on preparation. What should we expect and how should be best prepare? What sequence of events can you project reasonably? I am curious about the mystery schools you mentioned, but perhaps that is premature to describe. Speak this evening for those questioning.
This is Esu. It is good to speak again.
You ask about the sort of preparations that should be made. This is a topic with many answers that address many sorts of people on Earth. Those who have an awareness of changes to come will prepare in one way, and those who have turned against any guidance will find they are facing an unexpected prospect. Some also are fence straddlers, to use that expression, who are waiting for the best opportunity as they see it. They think they can go either way, but they will be surprised when their indecision becomes their decision when other options are withdrawn. The future of this planet and its inhabitants has been determined, and all human decisions must either agree or disagree with the determination.
To speak of the timetable is to begin to categorize decision making. Christ Michael Aton prefers to let events reach their peak on Earth in the context of a galactic timetable that is ongoing. Man's efforts to counteract this stream of galactic events are pointless and will be futile. Geophysical changes are happening on Earth despite the platitudes and assurances of calm the government officials broadcast. People numbed to possibilities and eventualities are easily manipulated.   Manipulated populace will work and sacrifice for those manipulating them without any recognition this is happening to them.   This servitude will provide a work force and resources for the benefit of only a few.
CM Aton 更倾向于任地球事件在正在进行的星际时间表中达到自己的顶峰。人类试图阻止反抗这个星际大潮是徒劳无益的。地球的地质变化无论政府官方怎样辟谣还是一样发生着。对可能的灾难麻木的人很容易被操纵。这些被操纵的大众将为操纵者工作和牺牲。
The level of manipulation is so extensive that it seems impossible for man now to break out of the straightjacket he has been placed in without help. We have debated on the best way for this to occur for the last five of your years. Our assistance has always been contingent on man's willingness to recognize his situation and ask for help. The numbers of those becoming aware has increased each year, but there has never been sufficient to act on their own as a revolutionary force and overthrow the controls. Part of the seduction has been a perceived need for comfort along with a lack of any true power to make decisions on the nature of their existence.   Man has been taught that comfort and satisfaction is the status quo provided by those shaping his existence. He has forgotten that he creates his existence and that he has the power to change it. Those controlling the nature of his existence are only doing so because man has allowed this to happen.   Man has given up his control and opted not to maintain an ongoing dialogue with Christ Michael and his spiritual guides.

IP属地:陕西1楼2010-03-11 18:06回复

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                          15楼2010-03-11 20:03
                            • 118.77.20.*
                            拜托了flychange 朋友,请您帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢Your whole time in duality has been to find your way from the limitations of the lower dimension, and be ready to ascend as the opportunity presents itself. If you are honest about your shortcomings, it will not require too much application to overcoming them. Much help is with you as soon as you ask, and it would be unusual if in those circumstances you failed. Once you have the intent to uplift yourself and move into the Love and Light, there is really no reason why you should not achieve total success. You can certainly do it, and it is a path that you have walked before and simply forgotten as you dropped into duality.
                            The affairs of Earth will gradually hold less and less interest for you, as you detach from the lower vibrations. Your focus quite correctly will be on the future of beauty and the peace of the higher vibrations, and you will be helping to bring them into manifestation. It is possible for you to let the world pass by without becoming involved in its problems. Be aware of what is happening but do not connect with it unless it is in your interests. Your energies should not be wasted, but applied to anything that is uplifting. There is plenty you can do if you desire to serve others, and you will not have far to look to find an opportunity. Since you are all One, any help you give is lifting another soul up and exponentially increasing the level of mass consciousness. Everything is about energy, and your power of thought can mould it in any way you may wish. As you climb the ladder to the higher dimensions so it becomes more instantaneous. As you do so you will also learn to correctly control such abilities.

                            17楼2010-03-11 20:26

                              IP属地:陕西19楼2010-03-11 20:52