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【neca情报】兰迪官推问答 toyark站梗概版+简要翻译


Brody not coming to the Jaws line
Bruce is coming in 2022 for Jaws
10 more Toony Terrors coming
They're not licensing Beatlejuice for realistic figures, so only cartoon/toony terrors style
Nothing TMNT up for order before the end of the year
Comic TMNT should be coming next year
A TMNT party van is coming, but we all knew that
An open PO for movie turtles may come
SOTO Shredder coming in the Spring
Something Big is coming for the Predator line
Mad Max isn't available for licensing to anyone
1/4 scale TMNT Cartoon figures still coming
Nothing Shining outside of Toony Terrors, he said "I wish" to the comments, so it's the Nicholson likeness obviously
ED-209 re-issue coming
No chance for a Sydney figure from Scream, he said "no chance." I'm not sure if for licensing or b/c it won't sell
Accessory packs for Universal Monsters coming, one pack should work for B&W/Color versions.
We should prepare for "A LOT" of Universal Monsters in 2022
Asked about Hammer Horror coming "When we have time to work on them"
More Chucky Ultimates are a 'maybe'
Asked about BttF Mad Dog Tannen "Still have not touched 3. Hope we get there but uncertain" - That's a pretty concerning quote...
No Ultimate Candy Man or Victor Crowley
Nothing else from Halloween Kills coming
"Definitely NOT" on Jeepers Creepers
No plans for Robocop 2 Cain
More musician/rock band figures coming
More coming for They Live
大白鲨线还有人物 10+个卡通恐怖在路上 阴间大法师只能出卡通版而无真人授权 年底前无神龟新品 明年漫画神龟 神龟派对车要来?神龟电影有什么新东西?明年春电影2史莱德 铁血有大动作 疯狂麦克斯不放授权 仍有1:4动画龟 卡通恐怖以外没闪灵 ed209再版 惊声尖叫的一个人物没有机会 环球怪物配件包要来,双色版本都有?明年很多环球怪物 “锤子恐怖”没空去做 可能更多终极鬼娃 回到未来3希望能做但不确定 没有终极糖果人 没有万圣节杀戮 绝对没有惊心食人族?机器战警2boss凯恩没计划 更多极度空间和乐队系列在做

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