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1楼2010-05-21 23:59回复
    tina在后面...38 or 48忘了...⊙﹏⊙b

    3楼2010-05-22 00:14
      1. Naomi Campbell (Skins)

      Played by Lily Loveless (2009-present)
      The first time we saw Naomi kiss Emily, she sought confirmation that it was drugs making her do it. Maybe it was, but that didn't explain the kissing in the bouncy house, or the shagging by the lake, or the slamming Emily up against the lockers and making out in public. Naomi hated injustice and was always brave enough to stand up for the downtrodden. By the end of Skins' third season, she was finally brave enough to stand up for herself — and want Emily back.
      2. Emily Fitch (Skins)

      Emily Fitch knew she was gay from her first episode of Skins, and every time she came out to her friends and family, it just got better and better. She went from telling her pal JJ: "I like sex with girls. I like their rosy lips, their hard nipples, bums, soft thighs. I like tits and fanny, you know?" to telling her parents over dinner: "Her name's Naomi; she's rather beautiful — so I've been nailing her." She had us at "I like girls."

      5楼2010-05-22 00:45
        3. Dr. Arizona Robbins (Grey's Anatomy)


        6楼2010-05-22 00:46
          5. Bette Porter (The L Word)
          Bette Porter never met a power suit she didn't rock or an F-bomb she didn't drop. No matter how many times she cheated, no matter how many babies she kidnapped, no matter how unfortunate her pirate costumes were in the fifth season, we were always willing to welcome her back with open arms. (Tina wasn't always quite so generous.)
          女强人不是Bette Porter的菜,她不是摇摆不定,也不是一个Fu*ker,她不会随便甩了你。不论她说过多少慌,不论她秒杀过多少女孩,不论她在这五年里有过多疯狂多狗血,你都会热情的让她重回你的怀抱。(Tina不总是像我们这么大方。)


          8楼2010-05-22 01:15
            6. Dr. Callie Torres (Grey's Anatomy)

            Played by Sara Ramirez (2006-present)
            Dr. Callie Torres has the unique distinction of being one of the only bisexual characters on primetime to have enjoyed relationships with women that lasted past Sweeps. She also has the distinction of being one of the only doctors at Seattle Grace to ever engage in a happy, healthy relationship. Plus she gave us a lasting catchphrase for coming out: "You can't pray away the gay!"
            7. Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

            Played by Alyson Hannigan (1997-2003)
            Willow was the first lesbian character to have sex on primetime network TV. That alone won her plenty of votes. Her long journey from pining, bookish sidekick to powerful lesbian witch won her the rest. Willow is also one of the only lesbian characters to have two successful relationships with women. (And she had good taste, too — both of her girlfriends made our top 50.)

            9楼2010-05-22 01:16

              12楼2010-05-22 07:25

                13楼2010-05-22 18:28

                  14楼2010-05-22 23:12

                    15楼2010-05-22 23:17

                      17楼2010-05-25 22:59
                        • 113.66.115.*

                        18楼2010-06-27 03:22