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The England international admitted the performance against our rivals was "unacceptable" after what he described as an "embarrassing" second half.
After being unfortunate to go in a goal down at the interval, nobody could have expected what followed.
“Out there on the pitch, I felt embarrassed for us players, for the fans who were supporting us and who were watching at home,” he told MUTV at full-time.
“To watch that second half… I can only apologise for that, us, as players, have to own it, we have to stand up and accept that it was nowhere near good enough.
“It was completely unacceptable," he continued. "Our standards have clearly dropped since we won that trophy [Carabao Cup] and, in the last couple of games, we haven’t been our normal selves – we need to find the good things we were doing before and bring them back, because this hurts a lot and it’s really unacceptable what we did in that second half.
“We showed no personality and no mentality. For a big team to come here, we need to do better.”
Shaw is determined to ensure that this defeat won’t derail to hard work put in by the squad to get us where we are this season.
“We need to realise that [it won’t define our campaign], that’s what we’re having, a big debrief tomorrow [Monday] about the game, about what went wrong,” he told us. “We need to keep the belief, keep the character and bring back the personality and mentality, that we know we have, but we lost today.
“We can’t let one result derail our whole season because I think we’re in a really good place and I think this is another hurdle that we need to go over and us, as a team, we’ll climb over that and I think we’ll bounce back positively on Thursday night [against Real Betis]. I’m sure of that.”

IP属地:英国来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-03-06 09:06回复

    IP属地:英国2楼2023-03-06 09:15
      Our left-back was equally as keen to send out a message to all United fans, whom he knows will be hurt by Sunday’s showing.
      “Coming into this game, we spoke about how much it means to them and how much it means to us; I can only apologise on behalf of myself and the team for the way we performed in that second half, the mistakes we made.
      “The performance was a disgrace, I was on the pitch and I felt that, I felt embarrassed for the fans that were in the stands to be witnessing that," he added.
      “Starting now, we need to make amends starting with the game on Thursday – hopefully, they will be there to support us and we’ll give everything in that game.”

      IP属地:英国来自iPhone客户端3楼2023-03-06 09:16
        Our left-back was equally as keen to send out a message to all United fans, whom he knows will be hurt by Sunday’s showing.

        IP属地:英国4楼2023-03-06 09:18

          IP属地:英国5楼2023-03-06 09:20

            IP属地:美国来自Android客户端6楼2023-03-06 11:46

              IP属地:天津来自Android客户端7楼2023-03-06 11:47

                IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端8楼2023-03-06 22:30

                  IP属地:广西来自iPhone客户端9楼2023-03-06 22:40

                    IP属地:加拿大来自iPhone客户端10楼2023-03-07 04:00

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                        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端12楼2023-03-07 12:29