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波耶芙拉睁开眼睛,看到了许多被火焰环绕的纺车。总共有十二台之多,但她用娴熟的技巧精准地避开了每一台。而后她看到在远处交战着的蛇,并在它们的冲突中,她辨认出隐匿在因迦之舞(Imga's dance)的谎言之中的真相。其中一条是焰羽蝮蛇(flame-feathered serpent),鲜艳且纯洁,有着水晶般的鳞片与一个像猎鸟(hunting bird)一样的头颅,它的眼睛锐利且清澈,它的鬃毛是对所有已知世界中所有人类族群(the Mannish)不洁的一种反驳。而它对面的是一条有着最黑鳞片的蝮蛇,整个虚空似乎都随它而来,以至于会让人认为披羽者(feathered)永远挡不住它,但它却抵挡住了。这条蝮蛇的眼睛烧得像血一样红,它的鳞片随着新的思想的出现而诞生或死亡。尽管混乱不堪,但它的鬃毛确实是雪白且文静,不过波耶芙拉从中看到车轮(the Wheels)上的短暂和平机会。她并不赞同这些魔法猿猴所寻求的,但也从他们的谎言中看到一个她所不能忽视的机会。没有时间去思考她的选择,也没有时间去质疑她为什么必须承担这一负担,无限之刃的波耶芙拉(Boethra of the Infinite Blades)疾驰而去,而稍后还记得这段无时间流逝(untime)的凡人将其称为苍穹的划分(the Division of Heaven)。她飞过破碎的苍天(fractured firmament),召唤出她所指定的利刃到她身边。就像披羽蝮蛇的喙在黑鳞间发现猎物一样,波耶芙拉在那里不仅仅是用语言刺穿它明亮的眼睛。当她众多的利刃包围假鹰嘴(false-hawk-mouth)时,波耶芙拉落到了影蛇的头上,用手掌触摸它的鳞片。昔日之物的回忆与未见之物的幻象在灼痛着她的内心,但没有什么东西能比她对洛卡吉的爱以及他的爪子在她脸颊上的感觉要更加强烈。一团黑暗的火焰包围了波耶芙拉,随即她身上便出现了黑檀盔甲(ebony mail)、空着的手出现了黑色的剑(black blade)、在头上出现了战争面具(mask of war)、肩上出现了死之裹尸布(shroud of death)。尽管洛卡吉也许在她之前爱过很多人,但在那一刻波耶芙拉在自己的内心与周围感受到他的爱,她知道这爱与他对任何已知世界里任何神灵的爱一样真实、一样伟大。然后战士挥动起她的剑,抬起她的头。影焰在她周围翻腾,沿着她身体边缘游动。她看向那实际是条蛇的鹰,看清了它究竟是什么与它究竟带来了什么,接着她朗诵出了反对规则的意志(the Will Against Rule)。而后她向前冲去,以奇怪的角度切开概念。不久之后,世界又开始按适当的时间旋转起来了。

IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端1楼2024-02-14 13:37回复

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2024-02-14 13:39
      然而这些全新的话语却说阿克从未出现在那里,阿尔科什(Alkosh)没出现过、阿尔坎(Alkhan)也没出现过、甚至任何阿克之子(Children of Akha)以及任何由他播种并带入他王国的土地的都不曾在出现在那里过。在这一片混乱之中这里的AKha毫无疑问指的是奥瑞艾尔。

      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端4楼2024-02-14 13:43
        那里有魔法师在高喊着《猴子真理(Monkey Truth)》,也就在那时,波耶芙拉在她经历过的无尽时间里第一次感到疑惑。也就是说千年龙破的真正主导者是洛克汗@明镜公园之音 @源宇恒 而波人妖充当了催尼马克的作用

        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端5楼2024-02-14 13:44
          远在梦达斯之外的奥王和失去了心脏的洛克汗这两个斗法,波靠爱开挂才参与,那能否说明这两位远远强于波,那远远强于urdra也毫无疑问@明镜公园之音 @源宇恒

          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端6楼2024-02-14 13:48
            而1焰羽蝮蛇,鲜艳且纯洁,有着水晶般的鳞片与一个像鹰一样的头颅,它的眼睛锐利且清澈,它的鬃毛是对所有已知世界中所有人类族群纯洁的一种反驳。2她看向那实际是条蛇的鹰,3上文波耶芙拉记得阿克(Akha)曾将她放逐到诸途毫无疑问白蛇就是奥德莫之主Auriel,而不是所谓的阿卡托什@明镜公园之音 @源宇恒 @黑枪小坏狐

            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端7楼2024-02-14 13:50
              而阿卡托什的诞生不仅窃取了奥王的神力,奥杜因也应该被其窃取,诺德大祭司写到Probably our biggest difference relates to the head of the pantheon. We Nords consider Kyne as the leader of the gods and find the Imperial fascination with Alduin (who they callAkatosh) to be both perplexing and mildly disturbing. We work diligently to keep Alduin asleep, while our southern neighbors try time and time again to get his attention!

              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端8楼2024-02-14 14:01
                而奥杜因为何诞生,不从诺德神话看,从精灵神话中看1With time, various aspects of the Aurbis began to understand their natures and limitations.2As their aspects began to die off, many of the et'Ada vanished completely.其中的相质滚4称为神秘物质沙克斯,或者翻译为神之精华更好诸神由精华诞生,而创世诸神大量精华开始消散,那能不能理解奥杜因等都是奥王被剥离出的精华聚合而成

                IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端9楼2024-02-14 14:08

                  IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端10楼2024-02-14 15:41

                    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端11楼2024-02-14 16:04
                      这段官方指南里也说了KnightPaladin Gelebor welcomes you to the Great Chantry of Auri-El, otherwise known as Alkosh, Akatosh, or Auriel;

                      IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端12楼2024-03-19 14:42

                        IP属地:海南13楼2024-03-19 14:44
                          It is the first ofthe Exclusionary Mandatesthat the Supreme SpiritAkatoshis of unitary essence, as is inconclusively proven by the monolinearity of Time. And clearly, the Arc of Time provides us with the mortal theater for the act ofSacred Expungement. Thus it is our purpose uponMundusto reverse the error of Sanctus Primus and restore Ak-at-Osh to humanadic purity. To say otherwise is vain and empty persiflage.
                          Therefore let theStaff of Towersbe prepared for the ritual that will cleanse the protean substrate of theAldmeriTaint. AllSelectivesare to initiatechants of Proper-Lifeand maintain them until a state of monothought is achieved. Then each shall Dance, duration-forward then volteface, till the Roll of Time winds withershins.
                          Prophet-Most-Simianguide us! MisplacedShezarrbless us! May our Wills in this be Enacted!

                          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端14楼2024-04-24 21:42
                            It is the first ofthe Exclusionary Mandatesthat the Supreme SpiritAkatoshis of unitary essence, as is inconclusively proven by the monolinearity of Time. And clearly, the Arc of Time provides us with the mortal theater for the act ofSacred Expungement. Thus it is our purpose uponMundusto reverse the error of Sanctus Primus and restore Ak-at-Osh to humanadic purity. To say otherwise is vain and empty persiflage.

                            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端15楼2024-04-24 22:01
                              Therefore let the Staff of Towers be prepared for the ritual that will cleanse the protean substrate of the Aldmeri Taint. All Selectives are to initiate chants of Proper-Life and maintain them until a state of monothought is achieved. Then each shall Dance, duration-forward then volteface, till the Roll of Time winds withershins.
                              Prophet-Most-Simian guide us! Misplaced Shezarr bless us! May our Wills in this be Enacted!

                              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端16楼2024-04-24 22:01