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《奇异人生:双重曝光》| 游戏玩法揭秘


▪️ Max 搬到了佛蒙特州重新开始,并在卡利登大学担任驻校艺术家。
▪️她的能力已经进化--她现在可以在不同的时间线之间穿梭,称为 "移位"。
▪️ 在她现在的现实中,她的好朋友 Safi 被谋杀了,而在另一个现实中,她还活着,但身处险境
▪️Max 必须在现在的现实中找到罪魁祸首,并在另一个现实中防止她被谋杀。
▪️ 您要在两条时间线中寻找线索,并与每个角色的两个版本互动
▪️他们的行为和与 Max 的关系将根据您的选择而改变
▪️Takes place a few years after the original Life is Strange
▪️Players can choose which ending from the first game is canon, which will be reflected in Max's thoughts, journal, in-game conversations, etc
▪️Max has moved away to Vermont for a fresh start and works as an artist-in-residence at Caledon University
▪️She hasn't used her rewind-time powers since the original game and swore to never use them again
▪️Her power has evolved - she can now travel between different timelines, called "Shift"
▪️In her present reality, her good friend Safi has been murdered, while in the other, she's still alive but in danger
▪️Max has to find the culprit in the present and prevent her murder in the other reality
▪️You search for clues across both timelines and interact with two versions of each character
▪️Their behavior and relationship with Max will change based on your choices
▪️Her timeline powers will allow her to solve puzzles between both realities, eavesdrop on characters for intel, etc

IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端1楼2024-06-14 09:23回复