夜雨寒楼吧 关注:147贴子:22,988




来自iPad1楼2015-08-09 10:57回复

    3楼2015-08-10 08:27
      I was fortunate that I did not have severe case of cellulitis and did not develop complications like lymphangitis.
      I was careful in keeping the wound clean and dry and not aggravating the site because, from reading others’ experiences, I took notice that people experienced bad reactions to sting(s) during subsequent attack(s), if not the first. I also noticed that, with some, their wounds were improving initially but suddenly took a turn for the worse after a week or so.
      I did not have any allergic reaction the first time. But this time, I did have some. I know that with each sting, the allergic reactions can get worse or even deadly. I just need to be careful in the future and carry an EpiPen with me when I am outside.

      4楼2015-08-10 08:51
        Unlike honeybees, wasps are aggressive. And, unlike honeybees, wasps’ stingers don’t come off after they sting their victims one time. Thus, a wasp can sting its victim multiple times.
        I am just glad that it was a wasp, not a hornet, which stung me.

        5楼2015-08-10 09:00
          I was working in the yard (not picking fruit) and got stung by a wasp. I am not aware of disturbing any hive. The wound was infected and I have cellulitis. I am taking antibiotic. The side effects from the med (and maybe from cellulitis) made me feeling very sick the first few days. I am still alive and kicking; thank you for asking.
          I’ve known enough people who ruined their health and their lives, some even their life, because they did not go to the hospital when they should. (J’s piano teacher, a very talented musician, in Graveside Story thread is one of them.) I don’t want to be like them.
          I will go see a doctor when I need to. I want to be healthy and active all the days of my life, so I’d better take care of my health now. I believe that I am a model patient – I do what I was told and take pills as instructed. I inform my doctor whenever I decide to do otherwise and the reason(s) why. I have good doctors; they are very open to my opinions and very patient in answering my questions. (I see doctor’s appointments as my medical school.) In general, as long as there are no invasive procedures involved, I don’t loathe going to my doctor; I just don’t like the wait.

          7楼2015-08-11 15:03
            那段话看第二次时什麼感觉都没有。都说少女情怀总是诗。The important point is "年纪"。我说想哭是讽刺之意。枕边人走不进灵魂深处是当事人拒绝让他/她进来呢?当事人以居高临下的姿态认为枕边人配不上自己?亦或是当事人没有魂,无魂可入?你认为进入到对方的灵魂深处指的又是什麼?是知性?感性?还是灵性?人能进入自己的灵魂深处吗?这是一个我无法以知性了解,从感性体会,从灵性感应的理念。

            12楼2015-08-20 13:18

              来自iPhone客户端15楼2017-04-20 12:17

                来自iPhone客户端16楼2017-04-20 12:30

                  来自iPhone客户端17楼2017-04-20 12:40

                    来自iPhone客户端18楼2017-04-21 12:43

                      来自iPhone客户端19楼2017-04-21 12:50

                        来自iPhone客户端21楼2017-05-06 10:14
                          From Depths Of Woe I Raise To Thee - by Martin Luther
                          From depths of woe I raise to Thee
                          The voice of lamentation;
                          Lord, turn a gracious ear to me
                          And hear my supplication;
                          If Thou iniquities dost mark,
                          Our secret sins and misdeeds dark,
                          O who shall stand before Thee?
                          To wash away the crimson stain,
                          Grace, grace alone availeth;
                          Our works, alas! are all in vain;
                          In much the best life faileth:
                          No man can glory in Thy sight,
                          All must alike confess Thy might,
                          And live alone by mercy.
                          Therefore my trust is in the Lord,
                          And not in mine own merit;
                          On Him my soul shall rest, His Word
                          Upholds my fainting spirit:
                          His promised mercy is my fort,
                          My comfort, and my sweet support;
                          I wait for it with patience.
                          What though I wait the livelong night,
                          And till the dawn appeareth,
                          My heart still trusteth in His might;
                          It doubteth not nor feareth:
                          Do thus, O ye of Israel's seed,
                          Ye of the Spirit born indeed;
                          And wait till God appeareth.
                          Though great our sins and sore our woes,
                          His grace much more aboundeth;
                          His helping love no limit knows,
                          Our utmost need it soundeth.
                          Our Shepherd good and true is He,
                          Who will at last His Israel free.
                          From all their sin and sorrow.

                          来自iPhone客户端23楼2017-05-08 10:20
                            Met a couple today. It seems like everything in their life right now is going against them and there is no end in sight to the downward spiral. During the conversation, the wife would get upset and emotional and started to weep. Her loss, fear, anger, pain and anguish almost overwhelmed me. Yet the hu**and is like the rock and the pillar of the family; he would hold her hand to comfort her and tell her in a gentle and assuring voice that they will get through the difficult time, one day at a time.
                            I really wish them well.

                            来自iPhone客户端24楼2017-05-11 11:58
                              Gods and Kings (Chronicles of the Kings Book #1) by Lynn Austin
                              The story is about the period from King Ahaz's reign to when his son Hezekia became the 13th king of Judah at the age of 25.
                              There are two things I don't like about the book:
                              1. The language in the book would suddenly change from old-fashioned style to modern English every now and then. When that happened, I got snapped out of the story.
                              2. David was a small child when he killed Goliath in the story told to little Hezekia by Hezekia's maternal grandfather Zechariah. Yet David was not a small child but a youth or young man according to Bible. There are about 278 years from the beginning of King Solomon's reign to when Ahaz became king of Judah and Zechariah should not have made this kind of error in my opinion, given the "small" time gap.
                              I like the book for several reasons:
                              1. The title of the book - simple yet concise.
                              2. The color and the design of the book cover - my taste.
                              4. The fictional framework is set in the Southern Kingdom - Judah of Old Testament after the kingdom was divided.
                              5. The way(s) that the Scriptures quoted and presented in the story through the mouth of priest(s), prophet(s) and godly men and women gives emphasis to the truths in the Scriptures.
                              6. It has become more vivid to me through the story why God hates idolatry and the courage and sacrifices of men and women who chose to turn from the idolatry and to worship the one true God.

                              来自iPhone客户端26楼2017-05-11 13:40