va11halla吧 关注:10,614贴子:47,643

回复:【VA-11】官方小说 · 《Sapphic Pussy Rhapsody》


“Face someone that hurt you and come to terms with how you hurt them, too. Offer a kind ear to folks that don’t have one when they need it most. Take a chance in your lowest moment and realize you aren’t as alone as you thought you were.” She was still speaking quickly, but now it sounded like she was mocking some cliche platitudes.
“Oh boy! Having friends is soooo nice!”
She didn’t spit these words out. It was more like she was savoring the bitterness they were soaked in.
A moment of indulgent confession in front of a non-human witness more interested in watching her movements than in attempting to comprehend her speech.
Nobody of importance heard her. Nobody who could've understood what she said, let alone taken issue with any of it was aware she was here uttering these words at all. She was free to say whatever she liked with no consequence or effect on anything at all.
And that was the most galling thing to her, the very reason she had an endless well of bitterness and sorrow inside. Even if she were to acknowledge it was there, what would it change?
Perhaps that’s why she’d decided to have this little “heart to heart” with her feline companion. The fact that he could at least see her was more interactivity than she usually got. At least with someone she didn't have to measure her every move with.
And in that instant, Anna let out her third dejected sigh of the night. And even if there wasn’t any air leaving her nonexistent lungs, something did seem to leave her as she sighed.

IP属地:广西92楼2023-01-07 21:21
    Her eyes, which always seemed to besmirking mischievously at everything on their own, lost their luster. Her shoulders slumped. The muscles in her face relaxed. Minute changes that would be indistinguishable from the usual rippled across her form until there was a noticeable shift in her body language as a whole.
    The bitterness that had only bubbled up inadvertently at first was boiling at the surface now, fully revealed.
    “You know…” With the shift in attitude also came a disregard for appearances and decorum. She began to float and spin around the room while still in a sitting position. “My life was so much easier before meeting your mom.”
    “Sure, I don’t know a single god forsaken thing about why I’m like this.” She looked at and through her one hand. “But at least I knew SOME things to be a fact.”
    “I get out of the hospital. I cross the street. I look back to see where Mom is, only to see a truck had crashed right where I just was. I think damn, I’m sure lucky, wouldn't that have been the shittiest thing, to get hit right out of the hospital doors like that? But then wouldn't you know it, that's ME, that's my body right under that tire!”
    Despite the clear and unpleasant shift in mood, Fore was clearly excited and amused. He began jumping and leaping to catch Anna as she floated around the room.
    “So I scream and cry and pray and beg. But Mom can’t see or hear me.” She recollected her own death with a flat and tired voice, like reciting song lyrics without the music meant to accompany them. “So I assume this is my reality now, right? A fly on the wall of the world.

    IP属地:广西93楼2023-01-07 21:24
      I can be anywhere. And for some reason electronic devices are now also like rooms I can enter, which is… really hard to explain how that feels, now that I think about it… It just comes as naturally as opening a door…”
      “And then!” She stopped dead in the air as if to emphasize those words, causing Fore to overshoot a jump. “And then, I enter this bar I hadn’t seen before and by the tits of the holy cow, the cutie at the counter can see me! And… and man, now I wish she couldn’t.”
      “I mean, I was euphoric that I was able to speak to another human for the first time in years.” Anna resumed floating, this time lying down, yet still in mid-air, spinning along three different axes as if strapped to an invisible gyroscope. “But now the one thing I know to be fact is no longer so, the one constant I took solace in was apparently just a huge false positive.”
      “And now? Well I decide to go to the Apollo Bank when it went to hell to check on things and oh, look at that, someone there can actually see me. And I can’t just let that blue-haired girl fend for herself in such a mess, can I?” Her floating slowed for a second as something came to her. “…blue hair…? Hmmm… nah, what are the chances.”
      Her floating resumed her pace as she continued. “Then there’s Becky, oh my sweet lil’ Becky, the sister I never got to meet… How many times have I wanted to talk to you, to hug you? And now that you can apparently at the very least hear me, I seriously wish you couldn’t.”
      Fore was clearly exhausted from trying to catch the floating human form and flopped to the ground on his side. He continued lazily swiping his paws at the air, to make sure everyone knew he was a formidable hunter. Anna obligingly lowered the height of her meandering floating about the room, allowing Fore’s paws to pass through the ends of her skirt every now and then.

      IP属地:广西94楼2023-01-07 21:26
        “She can apparently hear me nowadays and that sucks. I can’t watch her from a distance like I used to either, because she can now see if I change something, too…” She continued. “And now that I might be able to talk to her… what would I even say? ‘Hello! This is kind of sudden, but I’m your sister that died in a gruesome case of vehicularmanslaughter before you were deployed, but more importantly, do you prefer *Kira* Miki or B-link?’”
        “So not only is the one thing I knew as fact now a total lie, but now it feels like people have gradually been able to see me more and more for reasons that escape me and my control…” The speed at which Anna glided across the room seemed to ebb and flow in conjunction with her thoughts. “Which then makes you wonder, why now? Why not before? Why isolate me like this for years? What changed?”
        Anna let out a deeply frustrated groan as she came to a complete rest against the ground, completely exhausted by all the flying and thinking and talking. The effect made it seem as if she had literally deflated. Fore decided to get up from his own tired and deflated position and took a few steps to join Anna in lying on the floor on their sides.
        Despite the bitter aftertaste of everything she’d just let loose, Anna still smiled as the cat diligently continued listening to her woes.
        “There’s something about you, boy,” she said. She extended her one hand towards him and immediately regretted her inability to pet him. “You just make a girl wanna pourher heart out to you, don’t you…”
        “Like mother like son, I guess,” she then uttered under her breath, in a tone less charitable or flattering than the one directed at the cat.
        And then, she laid there in complete and uncharacteristic silence and stillness. Minute after minute passed with Anna only staring at the ceiling, as diligently still as Fore was by her side.
        She was mentally exhausted. She didn’t like how some of her bottled up and completely pointless grievances about being some kind of weird Schroedinger’s cyber ghost had just come out like that. She especially didn’t like how many more were still lurking inside, wanting to come out, waiting to come out, now that the floodgates had opened.

        IP属地:广西95楼2023-01-07 21:29
          And deep within the endless well of dark bitterness inside her was a particularly dense nugget of undeniable grief. More than her oh-so-predictable mid-afterlife crisis, more than the existential questions brought forth by the shifting nature of her perceivability or lack thereof, more than any loneliness or boredom or anger or sadness she had, the last thing she wanted to think about was those memories of “her”.
          She knew by repressing these memories she was denying herself a lot of her most precious moments, in this life and her previous one. But she was also sparing herself the pain associated with their recollection as well.
          One time, months ago, in her first encounter with Fore’s human, Anna made the mistake of bringing “her” up. It was a moment of weakness, a door she never wanted opened, and yet she’d opened it up anyway.
          It was so casual, and yet the moment “her” name left Anna’s lips, she realized her mistake. It took an insane amount of mental energy to push everything back in. She was so drained that despite wanting to visit Fore’s human again, she decided against it until she could gather her composure again, an effort that easily took the better part of a couple weeks.
          “Told you, didn’t I?” Anna said to nobody in particular. “We’re all cowards. I should know, takes one to know one…”
          More minutes passed. Suddenly, Fore stood and went to the door, meowing loudly. Anna turned to watch, wondering what the cat wanted.
          The door of the room was soon opened byFore’s human coming back from her shift at work.

          IP属地:广西96楼2023-01-07 21:32
            A devil set aside for me.
            Her dark hair, which was usually neatly tied into twintails, was loose around her shoulders, as was her necktie. She'd already slipped her shoes and jacket off and was already unzipping her pencil skirt as Fore began rubbing himself against her legs.
            She glanced up and made eye contact with Anna as her skirt hung precariously from her hips.
            The face of Fore’s human soon went through a rapid mix of awareness, surprise, and apprehension. She knew exactly what to expect from this particular unexpected guest.
            Anna, however, was going through quite a different series of expressions and emotions.
            Her eyes regained their luster. Her shoulders straightened. The muscles in her face lifted her cheeks into a smile.

            IP属地:广西97楼2023-01-07 21:35
              And smile she did, because after crying her heart out to a cat, there was something deeply reassuring about how the mere presence of Fore’s human before her could inspire such an easy transformation.
              It was a simple reminder that the defense mechanisms people grew to protect themselves were as much a part of them as the weaknesses they were built to protect.
              In other words, Anna felt a self-affirming and all-encompassing desire to tease the hell out of somebody.
              The smile curled further into a grin as Anna noticed Fore’s human become aware of her own state of undress in front of a painfully human spectator.
              “Well well well!” Anna exclaimed. Her voice was full of mischief and didn't betray a hint of the bitter melancholy it held only a few minutes ago. She adjusted herself into a more seductive position lying on the middle of the floor.
              “I’m glad you’re so eager today, Jo! You left me waiting all by my lonesome here for way too long! How’re you gonna make it up to me?”

              IP属地:广西98楼2023-01-07 21:41

                IP属地:广西99楼2023-01-07 21:45
                  感谢吧主大大分享 va11halla有您真好

                  IP属地:广东来自Android客户端100楼2023-01-08 10:21

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