北京飞盘吧 关注:54贴子:305
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There will be match tomorrow . Hope to see you.
The teams of second match in first round:
轮次(Round) 比赛日期(Date) 时间(Time) 对阵
1 2014/6/26 19:50—21:10pm 霹雳(橙色)vs Hulk(绿色)
1 2014/6/26 19:50—21:10pm 北京城管(蓝色)vs Super(黄色)
Don*t forget the football shoes, and if you just join us once dong*t forget to bring the T-shirt and ask your captain to tell the committee.
There are some notices to you
1. 尽量不要大声喧哗,加油。由于场地位于居民区内,所以希望大家尽量控制自己的音量,不要过于大声就可以
1. Please don*t cheer in a loud voice and shout. Because there are a lot of people live near our stadium, please low your voice, don*t be too loud.
2. 从明天开始,场地会准时关灯,希望大家在9:30结束后尽快收拾好自己的东西,离场。
2. From tomorrow the lights will turn off on time, so please collect your things as soon and then leave after the match finished.
Don*t stay at the stadiun or cheer, and please pay attention to your valuables.
3. 请大家注意得分+助攻时尽可能配合技术统计人员,告诉他们自己的号码。
3. When you get the point or have an assist, please tell the technicist your number, thanks.

1楼2014-08-18 15:34回复