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回复:【VA-11】 酒吧指南·文本系列


???: 好吧,我确实更喜欢柯基,但是……
???: Well, I DO prefer Corgis, but...
Jill: 不,我的意思是……你和他们共事吗?
Jill: No, I mean... are you working with them?
???: 是啊,你看,我之所以在这里,都是因 为法律要求员工名单上至少要有一个类人生物。
???: Yeah, well, I'm only here because the law requires at least one humanoid on the payroll.
Jill: (法律真的连这种情况都覆盖到了吗?)
Jill: (Does the law really cover such scenarios?)
Jill: 为什么要接受这样的工作呢?
Jill: Why take a job like this?
???: 因为这意味着我能整天都被柯基环绕着!
???: Because it means I'm surrounded by Corgis all day long!
???: 代驾司机的事姑且不论,这可是最接近 天堂的体验了!
???: Designated driver woes aside, it's the closest thing to heaven!
???: 但说实在的,我不太能喝酒。
???: Although to be fair, I'm not much of a drinker anyway.
Jill: 收到。好吧,毕竟人各有所好。你打算喝 点什么吗?
Jill: I see. Well, to each their own. Are you gonna drink anything?
???: 你这里有不含酒精的饮料吗?
???: Do you have anything non-alcoholic?
Jill: 让我考虑下该如何“接”您。
Jill: Let's see what I can fetch you.
???: 你是故意说成双关语的吗?
???: Did you intend to make a pun?

IP属地:广西16楼2020-12-25 23:18
    Jill: 双关语?
    Jill: A pun?
    ???: 当我没说。
    ???: Nevermind.
    Jill: 请用。
    Jill: Here.
    ???: 多谢。
    ???: Thanks.
    ???: ……你确定这是不含酒精的?
    ???: sure this isn't alcoholic?
    Jill: 相当确定。
    Jill: Pretty sure.
    ???: 好吧。
    ???: Okay.
    Jill: 对了。我迫切需要知道,今天难道真的只有柯基上门吗?
    Jill: Listen. I need to know. Is it really going to be ONLY Corgis today?
    Jill: 这就是我整晚的工作?反反复复地伺候同一种狗?
    Jill: Is that ALL I'm gonna do all night? Serve the same kind of dog over and over?
    ???: 公司员工大部分是彭布罗克威尔士柯基。
    ???: The vast majority of them are Pembroke Welsh Corgis.
    ???: 还有少数几只卡迪根威尔士柯基。
    ???: There are a couple of Cardigan Welsh Corgis.
    ???: 但是这两种狗的关系稍微有些……紧张, 所以这次就没邀请卡迪根柯基。
    ???: But the relationship between the two breeds is a tad... difficult, so the Cardigans weren't invited

    IP属地:广西17楼2020-12-25 23:18

      ???: 因此,是的。我认为你大概会整晚伺候 同一种狗。
      ???: So, yeah. I guess you'll be serving the same kind of dogs all night.
      Jill: 不,我的意思是……Jill: No, I mean.
      Jill: 今天我还有机会与其他人类交谈吗?Jill: Isn't there some other human I might talk to today?
      ???: 员工中还有一位人类女性,但她今天来不了。
      ???: There's a woman on staff, but she couldn't come today.
      Jill: 哦天呐……
      Jill: Oh boy...
      ???: 那会造成什么麻烦吗?
      ???: Is that a problem somehow?
      Jill: 算不上是什么“麻烦”。我们经历过更糟 糕的情况,但还是撑下来了。
      Jill: It's not really a "problem." We've survived worse than this.
      Jill: 比如有一次,匿名戒酒会来这里聚会,只点无酒精饮料。
      Jill: Like that time when an AA meeting came here asking for non-alcoholic stuff only.
      Jill: 但是,光是想到我在为狗调酒的现实……
      Jill: But, just thinking about the fact that I'm serving drinks to dogs...
      Jill: 在某一时刻,我这辈子做出的一切抉择最 终导致自己在伺候一群会说话的狗……
      Jill: That at some point all the choices in my life led to me serving drinks to a group of TALKING dogs...

      IP属地:广西18楼2020-12-25 23:18
        Jill: 这样的时刻难免会让你想要停止脚步,重新考虑人生的前进方向。
        Jill: It's one of those moments that makes you want to stop and rethink where your life is going.
        ???: 也许你并不喜欢这份工作?
        ???: Do you perhaps not like this job?
        Jill: 我喜欢!我享受这份工作的每分每秒…… 但是……这群狗!
        Jill: I do! I love every second of this job... but... DOGS!
        Jill: 这就相当于一位时装设计师突然意识到自 己一直在设计可食用的内衣。
        Jill: It's like a fashion designer suddenly realizing he's been designing edible underwear.
        ???: 我还是不能理解你对狗到底有什么不满, 但我不打算强行继续这个话题。
        ???: I still don't see what your problem is with the dogs, but I'm not going to force the subject.
        ???: 好吧,我打算去自娱自乐一下。
        ???: Well, I'm going to try entertaining myself for a bit.
        Jill: 打台球用的东西就放在台球桌下面。
        Jill: The stuff for playing pool is underneath the table.
        Jill: 点唱机旁边的盒子里装着飞镖。Jill: There are also darts in the box next to the Jukebox.
        ???: 很好。感谢你的提醒。
        ???: Great. Thanks for the information.

        IP属地:广西19楼2020-12-25 23:18

          Jill: 如果你还想喝一杯的话,随时叫我就好。
          Jill: Call if you need another drink.
          ???: 收到。
          ???: Sure.
          Lady Banner: 我正在兴头上,所以我要请所有 人喝一杯!
          Lady Banner: I'm feeling happy, so I'll get EVERYONE a round!
          Jill: 事实上,酒吧是免费对你们开放的……
          Jill: Actually, it's a free bar...
          Lady Banner: 我不会让你毁掉我的好心情的! 我要一杯Fringe Weaver。
          Lady Banner: I won't let you spoil my mood! I want a Fringe Weaver.
          Jill: 马上就好。
          Jill: Coming right up.
          Jill: 请慢用。
          Jill: Here you go.
          Lady Banner: 仍然是精彩的一天!
          Lady Banner: Still an awesome day!
          Jill: 请慢用。
          Jill: Here you go.
          Lady Banner: 为什么你这么执着于毁掉我精彩 的一天?
          Lady Banner: Why are you so hellbent on ruining my awesome day?
          Dragon Fucker: 呦,雄性的领袖要干啥才能被 伺候?!
          Jill: 我该怎么伺候您?
          Jill: What may I serve you?
          Dragon Fucker: 来杯啤酒,动作快点!
          Dragon Fucker: Beer, and quickly!
          Jill: 马上就好。
          Jill: Coming right up.

          IP属地:广西20楼2020-12-25 23:18

            Jill: 请慢用。
            Jill: Here you are.
            Dragon Fucker: 该死,你可真是慢得一比。
            Dragon Fucker: Damn, you're a slow piece of shit.
            Jill: 请慢用。
            Jill: Here you go.
            Dragon Fucker: 这可不是老子点的,你这小**。
            Jill: ……
            Jill: ...
            Jill: 嘿,Boss!既视感(deja vu)的反义词 是什么来着?
            Jill: Hey Boss! What was the opposite of deja vu again?
            Dana: 未视感(jamais vu)!
            Dana: Jamais vu!
            Jill: 没错,就是那个……
            Jill: Yeah, that...
            ???: 你是有什么不祥的预感吗?
            ???: Are you having a premonition?
            Jill: 类似吧。那条狗让我感到出奇地熟悉。
            Jill: Something like that. That dog felt uncannily familiar.
            Jill: 你已经玩腻了吗?
            Jill: Are you bored?
            ???: 并没有。我刚才还在玩飞镖。
            ???: Not really. I was playing with the darts a bit ago.
            ???: 我考虑过要玩台球,但其他的客人都… …不具备拇指。
            ???: I thought about playing pool, but all the other clients are... thumb-challenged.
            ???: 很抱歉,这句话可能有点失礼,但为什 么装飞镖的盒子全都是灰?
            ???: Sorry if this sounds rude, but why was the dart box so dusty?
            Jill: 你大概是自我入职一年以来第一个玩过飞镖的人。
            Jill: You're the first person in the year or so I've been here that has actually played with darts.

            IP属地:广西21楼2020-12-25 23:19

              Jill: 我猜就连Boss都忘了它们的存在了。
              Jill: I think even my boss forgot they existed.
              ???: 顺便,这些狗扮演顾客的品行如何?
              ???: By the way, how are the dogs as clients?
              Jill: 我们见识过更糟糕的。
              Jill: We've had worse.
              ???: 你们难道接待过进门就把椅子啃碎的顾 客吗?
              ???: Have you had someone come in and gnaw chairs to pieces?
              Jill: 还真接待过。她是来测试自己新换的机 械牙齿的。在那之后她就被禁止进入任何BTC连 锁酒吧了。
              Jill: Yes. She was testing out her new mechanical teeth. She got banned from entering any BTC bar after that.
              ???: 既然经历过那种糗事,你应该会对为狗 提供服务习以为常。
              ???: With anecdotes like those, you'd think serving dogs would feel totally normal.
              Jill: 你这就不对了,因为就算是在那种那种情 况下,我们面对的顾客还是人类。
              Jill: You'd be wrong because even then, we were talking about humans.
              Jill: 我是说,别误会。我在职业生涯中确实为 一两条狗服务过,但他们通常是在别人的陪伴下……
              Jill: I mean, don't get me wrong. I've served a dog or two in my time, but they usually come in with someone...
              Jill: ……而且他们也不会说话。
              Jill: ...and they never talk.
              ???: 说起这个,这些饮料会不会对狗有害?
              ???: Now that I think about it, are these drinks bad for the dogs?
              Jill: 现在你才开始担心那种事?
              Jill: NOW you worry about that?

              IP属地:广西22楼2020-12-25 23:19

                Jill: 但那是无害的。只有卡布奇诺猴会在饮用 这些化合物时遇到危险。
                Jill: But no, they aren't. Only Cappuccino Monkeys are at risk if they drink those chemicals.
                Jill: 对了,你还想喝什么吗?
                Jill: Anyway, you want anything to drink?
                ???: 给我个惊喜吧。但请别加酒精。
                ???: Surprise me. But keep it non-alcoholic.
                Jill: 没问题。
                Jill: Sure.
                Jill: 请慢用。
                Jill: Here you go.
                ???: 谢谢你。
                ???: Thank you.
                Jill: 这个问题可能有点奇怪,但是……他们是 通过项圈说话的,对吧?
                Jill: This might sound weird to ask but... they talk through their collars, right?
                ???: 正是如此。
                ???: That's right.
                Jill: 那是什么原理?
                Jill: How do they work?
                ???: 事实上也不是很复杂。它们只是翻译器 而已。
                ???: It's not too hard, really. They're just translators.
                ???: 它们扫描狗的大脑,并把他们的想法翻 译成语言。
                ???: They read the dogs' brains and turn their thoughts into words.
                ???: 有必要注意的是,如今的狗的认知能力 远胜过他们的祖先。
                ???: Do keep in mind that today's dog breeds have more cognitive capacity than their ancestors.
                ???: 如果把这些翻译器装在十年前的狗的身 上,它们是不会有如今这样的效果的。
                ???: If you put the translators on dogs from a decade ago, they wouldn't work like they do now.
                Jill: 是啊,我以前读过那些。
                Jill: Yeah, I read something about that once.

                IP属地:广西23楼2020-12-25 23:19
                  Jill: 还有个问题:为什么他们都穿着那种小号 燕尾服?
                  Jill: Another question: Why do they wear those small tuxedos?
                  ???: 那有助于宣传企业的正面形象。
                  ???: It's good for PR.
                  Jill: 果然如此……
                  Jill: You don't say...
                  ???: 好吧,在我们离开之前还有一点时间。 你有其他问题吗?
                  ???: Well, it'll be a bit before we go for the day. Any other questions?
                  Jill: 有。这群狗到底是见了什么鬼才想要喝醉的?
                  Jill: Yes. Why the **** do these dogs want to get drunk?
                  ???: 他们看到人类喝酒,就觉得那样可能会 很好玩。
                  ???: They see humans do it and they think it might be fun.
                  Jill: 那就像熊孩子一样嘛。
                  Jill: Just like teens, then.
                  ???: 那么,我先失陪了……
                  ???: Now, if you'll excuse me...
                  Satan's Hellper: ……
                  Satan's Hellper: ...
                  Jill: 请问您想喝什么?
                  Jill: What can I serve you?

                  IP属地:广西24楼2020-12-25 23:19

                    Satan's Hellper: 哥俩好啊!
                    Satan's Hellper: MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
                    Jill: 您说什么?
                    Jill: Excuse me?
                    Satan's Hellper: 哥俩好啊!
                    Satan's Hellper: MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
                    Jill: 三星照?
                    Jill: A Moonblast?
                    Satan's Hellper: 四喜财啊!
                    Satan's Hellper: MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
                    Jill: 五魁首?
                    Jill: A BIG Moonblast?
                    Satan's Hellper: 六六六啊!
                    Satan's Hellper: Moon!
                    Jill: 八马双飞。
                    Jill: Alright then.
                    Jill: 酒倒满啊。
                    Jill: Here.
                    Satan's Hellper: 全给你啊!
                    Satan's Hellper: MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
                    Jill: (中间是不是漏了个数字?)
                    Jill: (Was that a good moon or a bad moon?)

                    IP属地:广西25楼2020-12-25 23:19

                      Pesky Furball: Revicecay Pikessay杯一,给我请。
                      Pesky Furball: Ay Revicecay Pikessay, leasepay.
                      Jill: 一杯Crevice Spike?好的。
                      Jill: A Crevice Spike? Sure.
                      Pesky Furball: 么什说我懂听能你?
                      Pesky Furball: Ouyay nderstanduay emay?
                      Jill: 我小时候也玩过这个。
                      Jill: I was a kid too.
                      Jill: 用慢请。
                      Jill: Erehay.
                      Pesky Furball: 你谢谢!
                      Pesky Furball: Hankstay!
                      Jill: 用慢请。
                      Jill: Erehay.
                      Pesky Furball: 爷大你……
                      Pesky Furball: Erkjay...
                      Jill: ***……爷。
                      Jill: Fuck you too... ay.

                      IP属地:广西26楼2020-12-25 23:20

                        ???: 你确定没给我酒精?我感到头晕了。
                        ???: You sure you didn't give me alcohol? I'm feeling dizzy.
                        Jill: 也许你是沉醉于酒吧的氛围中了呢?
                        Jill: Maybe you're just drunk off the mood of the place?
                        ???: 嗯,可能是这样吧。
                        ???: Yeah, that might be it.
                        Jill: 你还想再来一杯吗?
                        Jill: You want anything else?
                        ???: 哦,好啊。为什么不呢?
                        ???: Oh, sure. Why not?
                        ???: 好吧,临走之前就再喝一杯。
                        ???: Alright, one more drink before we wrap things up.
                        Jill: 你想喝什么?
                        Jill: What do you want?
                        ???: 我不挑剔。喝什么都行。
                        ???: I'm not picky. Give me anything.
                        Jill: 好的。
                        Jill: Of course.
                        Jill: 请慢用。
                        Jill: Here you are.
                        ???: 多谢。
                        ???: Thanks.

                        IP属地:广西27楼2020-12-25 23:20

                          Jill: 对了……您到底是干什么的?抱歉,这个 问题可能有些无礼。
                          Jill: So... what exactly do you do? Sorry if it's rude to ask.
                          ???: 我觉得自己的工作相当于人们所说的勤 杂工。
                          ???: I guess I am what people call an Office Boy.
                          ???: 我的职责通常包含寻物、接电话之类的 差事。
                          ???: My duties usually involve looking for things, answering a few calls, that sort of stuff.
                          ???: 但在这家由狗经营的公司里,这负担会 比在通常情况下更重。
                          ???: But this being a dog-run company, there are a lot more responsibilities.
                          ???: 比如说,我还要负责从货架上取下东西, 以及打开窗户。
                          ???: Like, getting stuff off of shelves and opening windows.
                          ???: 至少他们支付的薪水相当不错。
                          ???: At least they pay well.
                          Jill: 我明白了。
                          Jill: I see.
                          Jill: 那你是怎么找到那个岗位的?你是从哪里 得到那种就业机会的?
                          Jill: And how did you end up in that position? Where did you get that offer?
                          ???: 我的邻居是其中一条狗的主人。他跟我 说他们需要“拇指”。
                          ???: My neighbour is the owner of one of the dogs. He told me they needed "thumbs".
                          Jill: 合情合理。
                          Jill: Figures.
                          Jill: 他们正在举办公司的周年庆典,对吧?
                          Jill: They are celebrating the company's anniversary, right?

                          IP属地:广西28楼2020-12-25 23:20
                            ???: 是啊,5年前,三条柯基对市面上的狗 玩具品质感到非常不满。
                            ???: Yeah. 5 years ago, three Corgis became dissatisfied with the quality of existing dog toys.
                            ???: 因此他们创立了这家公司。
                            ???: So they founded this company.
                            ???: 如果我没记错的话,他们是向自己的主 人讨到了启动资金。???:
                            They got the money from their owners, if I remember correctly.
                            Jill: 不知为何……我能估到那种事。
                            Jill: I can see that happening... somehow.
                            ???: Seifar玩具公司(STC)已经成为了世 界排行第二的狗玩具公司。
                            ???: The STC is the second biggest dog toy company in the world.
                            ???: 趣事一则:他们创业初期的命名曾是 Seifar玩具开发(Seifar Toy Development)。
                            ???: Fun fact: they started as Seifar Toy Development.
                            Jill: 那岂不是很不幸……(译者注:性病的缩写也是STD)
                            Jill: Ain't that unfortunate...
                            Dorothy: 你~好~
                            Dorothy: Heeeeeeello~
                            ???: 嗯?
                            ???: Hm?
                            Dorothy: 这间酒吧最受欢迎的甜心闪亮登场!
                            Dorothy: The bar's favorite sweetheart has arrived!
                            Dorothy: ……
                            Dorothy: ...

                            IP属地:广西29楼2020-12-25 23:20

                              Jill: ……你为什么突然安静下来了?
                              Jill: ...why are you quiet?
                              Dorothy: 我在等待观众的欢呼声结束。
                              Dorothy: I'm waiting for the audience's cheers to stop.
                              Jill: 这可不是情景喜剧。
                              Jill: This isn't a sitcom.
                              Dorothy: 啊,宝贝儿,多么天真……
                              Dorothy: Ah, honey, how innocent...
                              ???: 呃……打扰一下,请问您是……
                              ????: Um... excuse me, you are...?
                              Dorothy: 我是可爱的Dorothy Haze,很高兴为您——……
                              Dorothy: I'm the lovely Dorothy Haze, at your ser-...
                              Dorothy: 稍等!你是Lilim。那就不能为您服务了……
                              Dorothy: WAIT! You're a Lilim. Not at your service, then...
                              ???: ……?
                              ???: ...?
                              Jill: 不要对其他顾客无礼。
                              Jill: Don't be rude to other clients.
                              Jill: 她差不多是这里的常客。
                              Jill: She's kind of a regular here.
                              Dorothy: “差不多”?我在过去的三个月中一 直都有规律地光顾这里。整整三个月。
                              Dorothy: "Kind of"? I've been coming here religiously for the past three months now. THREE MONTHS.

                              IP属地:广西30楼2020-12-25 23:21